Testseek.dk har samlet 36 ekspertanmeldelser af Batman: Arkham City og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 92%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for Batman: Arkham City.
Oktober 2011
36 Tester
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse fra eksperter, der har anmeldt dette produkt.
Da Rocksteady skulle lave efterfølgeren til 2009’s måske bedste spil, besluttede de sig åbenbart for at forbedre det på stort set alle områder. Historien er større, sigter højere og inkluderer en sand stormflod af kendte Batmanskurke. Free Flow-kamp er...
Abstrakt: Jag var sen med att spela det första spelet i serien. Ett av 2009 års bästa spel. den här gången har dock Rocksteady en hel del att leva upp till. Och receptet vi får är ännu mer av allt. Större, friare och snyggare. Där Batman: Arkam Asylum var gansk...
Abstrakt: Du verden for et spillår 2011 skal bli. Jeg har allerede en bunke med strålende utgivelser jeg er fryktelig fristet til å spille igjen, og Batman: Arkham City er nok helt på toppen av dem alle. Det hadde det nok også vært om vi kastet fjorårets spill ...
Abstrakt: Muutaman vuoden takainen Batman: Arkham Asylum oli vuotensa iloisimpia peliyllätyksiä. Toinen toistaan surkeampien supersankariräpellysten jälkeen oli kiva saada vihdoin peli, jota pystyi kehumaan erinomaiseksi ilman mitään liennyttäviä selityksiä.Batm...
Arkham City is a unique and enjoyable experience that builds on the story of Arkham Asylum while opening up the story to many loved and despised characters from the Batman universe. The ability to play as Catwoman, though a very little part of the game i...
Abstrakt: Batman: Arkham City is an action-adventure game released in 2011. Taking control of the Batman, you advance through a carefully knitted plot unfolding throughout the newly founded Arkham City. Inhabited by the near entirety of Batman's rogue gallery, y...
Abstrakt: I have, on more than one occasion, railed against games which allow the player no agency, which require the player to, essentially, go from point A to point B to point C without allowing them to choose their path and which provide minimal (if any) diff...
Abstrakt: Let’s face it, now is an excellent time to be a fan of the Caped Crusader. Between Christopher Nolan’s films, direct-to-DVD features like “Batman: Year One,” and Rocksteady’s critically-acclaimed mega-blockbuster “Batman: Arkham Asylum” there has never...
Abstrakt: PlayStation 3Two years ago, Rocksteady's Arkham Asylum shocked the world. What was previously a genre marred by useless titles and cheap efforts, existing solely to cash in on a booming movie franchise, now became yet another avenue for developers to t...
Abstrakt: Over a year has passed since Arkham Asylum was destroyed (no thanks to you) during Rocksteady's first Batman game, Batman: Arkham Asylum. The former warden Quincy Sharp has taken over Gotham as mayor. It seems all of the hard work you did on the island...