Testseek.dk har samlet 36 ekspertanmeldelser af Batman: Arkham City og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 92%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for Batman: Arkham City.
Oktober 2011
36 Tester
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse fra eksperter, der har anmeldt dette produkt.
Abstrakt: We take control of Batman in Rocksteady's follow-up to the amazing Arkham Asylum, in Batman: Arkham City. For a chance to win Batman: Arkham City on the PS3, comment on the video, letting us know which Batman game was your all time favorite and why. Devel...
Abstrakt: Batman: Arkham City takes everything that worked so well in the original game, introduced a vast, new environment filled with things to do, incorporated the ability to use flight to your advantage, and has managed to include almost every crackpot tha...
Abstrakt: I doubt it will come as a huge surprise for most when I say that Batman: Arkham City is a top contender for Game of the Year. It's the direct sequel to Batman: Arkham Asylum, and developed by the same fine folks over at Rocksteady. A lot of the core co...
Abstrakt: For a long time, comic book games have been nothing more than the butt of a long-running joke. And it's hard to say this hasn't been a self inflicted truth; too often, these games are handled poorly and with the ideology of turning a quick buck. At lea...
Abstrakt: Well, one thing’s for sure about Batman: Arkham City - it’s a game I will never, ever stop playing. It’s full of surprises, gigantically better than the already superb Arkham Asylum, packed with content, and almost certainly my game of the year. When I...
Atmospheric, fascinating world rich with details and secrets, Satisfying, varied, hardhitting combat, Grappling and soaring around the city is thrilling, Great assortment of involving side quests, Makes terrific use of a host of Batman characters.
Boss fights are too easy.
Batman: Arkham City's irresistible world, joyous movement, rewarding combat, and varied side quests make it an exceptional adventure game....
Batman: Arkham City isn't perfect, but listing the little things I didn't like gets in the way of all the stuff I adored. The voice acting, the challenges, the amazing opening, the unbelievable ending and the feeling of being the Dark Knight -- these a...
Abstrakt: Despite this review's headline, Batman: Arkham City confirms a train of thought that originated when I saw Batman Begins: It's not just a superhero action game, it's also an inverse-horror game. Consider this situation: Four buddies hanging out in what...