Testseek.dk har samlet 343 ekspertanmeldelser af Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom SM-C1010 / SM-C1050 og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 72%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom SM-C1010 / SM-C1050.
Juli 2013
343 Tester
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse fra eksperter, der har anmeldt dette produkt.
0 Tester
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Redaktørerne kunne lide
Rigtig optisk zoom gør den mere nyttig på ferien end en kameratelefon. God ægte blitz
Redaktørerne brød sig ikke om
Tager ikke bedre billeder end de bedste mobilkameraer i de fleste situationer. For stor og klodset som smartphone
Abstrakt: My first task here is to find a category to place this in. It could be computers, PDAs, Phones or the one I choose Cameras. The reason is it has a proper lens and 10x optical zoom but it is also an Android device doing all that does as well....
Udgivet: 2014-01-23, Forfatter: Chris , anmeldelse af: tracyandmatt.co.uk
During my time with the Galaxy S4 Zoom I realised something, devices like this one definitely have a place in todays market and the main reason for me saying this to you is this…Using it has made me convert from a none believer in this type of device int...
Var denne anmeldelse nyttig?
Udgivet: 2013-12-27, Forfatter: Paul , anmeldelse af: tech.uk.msn.com
Abstrakt: Last year, Samsung pulled the covers off of the Samsung Galaxy Camera ; an Android powered smartphone / compact camera hybrid that had all the ingredients of a modern mobile device – email, Twitter, Facebook, apps, a web browser, photo editing software, o...
Var denne anmeldelse nyttig?
Udgivet: 2013-11-20, Forfatter: Jordan , anmeldelse af: whatmobile.net
Abstrakt: We’ve seen many smartphones claim that they produce the best image, but which one actually does? The two most niche camera phones on the market, the Lumia 1020 and Galaxy S4 Zoom have been out in the wild for quite some time, and we’ve been able to see me...
The Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom is an interesting hybrid Android smartphone and camera, but it won't be a practical replacement for both devices for most people....
Good camera, Superb optical zoom, Good quality flash
Only average phone capability, Unwieldy hardware design, Disappointing screen resolution
What we have here is a shooter with a quality that's compatible with many compact cameras, combined with a phone that's edging to the good side of mid-range. However, for me, it's not a winning combination. The camera is difficult to complain about, and ...
Abstrakt: You might notice that Best for 4G has changed and been simplified since our last comparison – this is to make the series easier to understand and results easier to gather.It's back again – thanks to popular feedback of our first Best for 4G comparison , w...
Abstrakt: We often get asked the question – which phone has the best reception, best antenna, best data speeds or the equivalent. The answer to this question is often affected by variables can include location, network, phone and congestion. Last month we bought yo...
S amsung has brought a wide portfolio of smartphones out onto the market in order to attract as broad an audience as possible. Not every phone that they develop and manufacture is meant for the masses. The Galaxy S4 Zoom is such a smartphone. It is ...
Abstrakt: We often get asked the question – which phone has the best reception, best antenna, best data speeds or the equivalent. The answer to this question is often affected by variables can include location, network, phone and congestion. Last month we bought yo...