Testseek.dk har samlet 343 ekspertanmeldelser af Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom SM-C1010 / SM-C1050 og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 72%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom SM-C1010 / SM-C1050.
Juli 2013
343 Tester
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Rigtig optisk zoom gør den mere nyttig på ferien end en kameratelefon. God ægte blitz
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Tager ikke bedre billeder end de bedste mobilkameraer i de fleste situationer. For stor og klodset som smartphone
This Samsung camera with phone attached would make the perfect traveller's compact. When in Venice, where the quality of the images is more important than the need to make phone calls, and you don't want the hassle of carrying two devices, the Galaxy S4 Z...
Abstrakt: Mobiles Cameras Technology News Digital Life News DateDecember 12, 2013 (3) Read later This device is a camera with a phone attached, not - like other smartphones - phones with cameras added on. The camera is a 16-megapixel unit with an im...
Udgivet: 2013-12-12, Forfatter: terry , anmeldelse af: dpexpert.com.au
The price! This is a fine compact camera, worth at least $300, plus a top quality Android phone, worth $400. Image quality is very good. The zoombywire controlled by a lensconcentric ring is better than on most compacts. And a proper shutter release butto
Two of the Android navigation buttons are, by default, hidden. They illuminate when touched but anyone unfamiliar with the Android system won't find them by accident
This Samsung camera with phone attached would make the perfect traveller's compact. When in Venice where the quality of the images is more important than the need to make phone calls, and you don't want the hassle of carrying two devices, then the Galaxy...
Battery is removable; 4G speeds are excellent; Battery isn't bad at all; Includes a tripod mount; Camera has a lot of modes to choose from; Infrared port included, effectively turning this into a cameraphone that doubles as a remote;
You'll look a little. odd. holding a camera to your head when you want to call someone; Not a very fast phone performance-wise; Very chunky and not made for all pants; Low res screen is pretty well under what has been used in the S4 name before; Still
It's easily one of the more unique concepts we've seen to come out of a company's R&D labs, and is really the first time we've seen a phone make the camera the true priority. So does it work?The answer is yes, though be prepared for the massive chunk that...
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Udgivet: 2013-12-01, Forfatter: James , anmeldelse af: techradar.com/au/
Great smartphone camera, Good battery life, Decent web browsing, Great media players
Expensive for midrange, Only 8GB built in storage, Occasionally sluggish, Average screen
Best phone deals Save up to 40% on your mobile phone contract We really want to like the Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom but we're just not sure there's a gap in the market for it. If the camera or phone part was better or the price tag was lower then it would ma...
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Udgivet: 2013-11-18, Forfatter: Alex , anmeldelse af: whistleout.com.au
2.5/5 The S4 Zoom tries too hard to be two different things and fails at both. As a phone it offers a frustrating, laggy user experience and as a camera its bulk and merely-OK camera (compared to dedicated shooters) aren't offset by the novelty of havi...
The Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom's advanced controls and preset modes are easy to use. Its top-notch image quality, optical zoom, and a tripod mount make it the most flexible smartphone camera there is. Android 4.2 helps keep the device fresh and connected
Heavy, thick, and asymmetrical, the camera-shaped Zoom is incredibly awkward and uncomfortable to use as a phone
Buy the Zoom if you'd like a flexible two-in-one camera/smartphone, no matter the size. But enthusiasts should stick to standalone shooters, and slimmer smartphones -- like the arguably better Nokia Lumia 1020 -- will satisfy most photo needs....
Abstrakt: Lisa Gade reviews the Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom. This is both a 16 megapixel point and shoot camera and a phone. We look at the AT&T model that has both voice and 4G LTE data. It sells for $149 with contract and it features 10x optical zoom, a BSI sensor, op...
Amazing camera, decent battery life, plays games well
Large and heavy, dual-core CPU is outdated, Only 8GB of storage
Although it looks like something of a bad joke when you initially pick it up, the Galaxy S4 Zoom really surprised us. After a few days of use we honestly forgot about how large and bulky it is, and learned to love the fact that we had a top-quality came...
Abstrakt: The Samsung Galaxy S4 Zoom , to put it simply, looks just like a camera. Thought of as a smartphone, its chrome ‘zoom' lens is nothing short of bulky and makes the device feel quite heavy and cumbersome as a result. However, considered as a digital camera...