Testseek.dk har samlet 161 ekspertanmeldelser af HTC Touch Diamond og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 70%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for HTC Touch Diamond.
161 Tester
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Redaktørerne kunne lide
Prisbilligt alternativ til iPhone
Lille og let
VGAopløsning på skærmen
Nyt og frisk design i PDA klassen
VGA opløsning er vejen frem
Men måske skulle HTC kigge lidt på antallet af farver?
”rulle hjul” er en praktisk detalje
3G med den superhurtig HSDPA (7
2 mbit) hastighed
Indbygget 4 GB huko...
Redaktørerne brød sig ikke om
Langsom software
Dårlig batterilevetid
Ingen GPS software
Batteri kapaciteten er alt for ringe
På fotodelen mangler jeg hjælpe lys samt en beskyttelse af linsen
Ingen mulighed for hukommelse kort
Ingen rigtig kort materiale til at navigere efter under kørsel (fx. TomTom)
Abstrakt: From the Apple iPhone to the LG KF700, the touch generation of phones have finally arrived. These new phones not only offer touch-sensitive screens, it also provides users with applications that redefine how a mobile phone should be. HTC’s latest offe...
Design, TouchFLO design and interface, HSDPA 7.2, 4GB internal storage, Wi-Fi, A-GPS, Opera browser
Interface is sluggish and slow, text entry is tedious, still requires stylus for more complex operations, no 3.5mm headphone jack, no memory card slot
The much-hyped Touch Diamond had plenty of potential, but ultimately it is a hugely frustrating phone to use. A great display, stylish design and reasonable browser are let down by a sluggish and slow user interface. Unfortunately, the great eye candy...
Sleek, petite handset design, TouchFlo 3D is stunning, Great connectivity, Simplified email set-up and threaded SMS
Appalling battery life, No true navigation software, Prone to extended lag spikes, Platform is still a bit buggy
Its very hard to hate the Diamond and in a world obsessed with the iPhone the Diamond offers a viable alternative. Frequent lag spikes did test our patience and the dismal battery life is concerning, but the Diamond still stands out as a beautifully ...
HTC has come closer to the iPhone here than any other handset manufacturer. It's the best-looking Touch yet, with a more responsive touch wheel and five-way joypad, plus a handy stylus. Specs and features-wise, the Diamond is amply loaded -...
The 2.8-inch touch screen, while compatible with HTC's TouchFLO interface (which lets you flick through screens or photos by swiping your fingertip) is still a fair way behind the iPhone's interface, and the touch sensitivity isn't as accurate...
If the aim is the iPhone 3G, then HTC so nearly struck gold. Or diamond. Only a few niggles meant that this just fell short of the ultra-phone.Best offers for the HTC Touch DiamondeBay.co.uk £229.99 Amazon Marketplace £239.99 HTC Touch Diamond i...
Abstrakt: HTC Diamond review H TC has been developing successful smartphones for some time now. The HTC mobile phones always come equipped with Windows Mobile Software which makes them ideal for business applications, thanks to the excellent synchronization. At ...
Abstrakt: On paper the Touch Diamond is a desirable device. Some of this desirability remains in the real world, but the poor battery life is the biggest of several irritations. The Touch Diamond was first made available SIM-free, but network operators are pick...
Abstrakt: we cant help but feel let down by the HTC Touch Diamond. It looks wonderful and the touch-screen interface simply sparkles, but sadly the usability just isnt there, with the touch-screen proving more a hindrance than a blessing. In addition after us...