Testseek.dk har samlet 161 ekspertanmeldelser af HTC Touch Diamond og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 70%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for HTC Touch Diamond.
161 Tester
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Redaktørerne kunne lide
Prisbilligt alternativ til iPhone
Lille og let
VGAopløsning på skærmen
Nyt og frisk design i PDA klassen
VGA opløsning er vejen frem
Men måske skulle HTC kigge lidt på antallet af farver?
”rulle hjul” er en praktisk detalje
3G med den superhurtig HSDPA (7
2 mbit) hastighed
Indbygget 4 GB huko...
Redaktørerne brød sig ikke om
Langsom software
Dårlig batterilevetid
Ingen GPS software
Batteri kapaciteten er alt for ringe
På fotodelen mangler jeg hjælpe lys samt en beskyttelse af linsen
Ingen mulighed for hukommelse kort
Ingen rigtig kort materiale til at navigere efter under kørsel (fx. TomTom)
Abstrakt: The HTC Touch Diamond is finally in our office and you can count on it getting all the attention it deserves. Just as a little teaser we decided to give you this short preview of the highly sought after gadget that seems to have it all...
Udgivet: 2008-05-07, Forfatter: John , anmeldelse af: asia.cnet.com
Abstrakt: If you take a heavy wrench, hit it repeatedly against the weak joints of a rusty sewerage pipe, youll still have fewer leaks than what was revealed about the Touch Diamond before its official launch. To HTCs credit, the official release was still pre...
Nice size; TouchFLO 3D interface looks really good.
TouchFLO 3D slows down when there’s a lot of applications running in the background; battery life could be better; speakerphone function next to useless.
Just like the Touch and the Touch Dual, the Touch Diamond has really taken great strides in making the whole Windows Mobile interface a lot nicer to look at, if not necessarily easier to use. In fact, if the Touch Diamond is anything to go by, HTC w...
Nice size; TouchFLO 3D interface looks really good.
TouchFLO 3D slows down when there’s a lot of applications running in the background; battery life could be better; speakerphone function next to useless.
Just like the Touch and the Touch Dual, the Touch Diamond has really taken great strides in making the whole Windows Mobile interface a lot nicer to look at, if not necessarily easier to use. In fact, if the Touch Diamond is anything to go by, HTC wi...
Just like the Touch and the Touch Dual, the Touch Diamond has really taken great strides in making the whole Windows Mobile interface a lot nicer to look at, if not necessarily easier to use.In fact, if the Touch Diamond is anything to go by, HTC will ...
Abstrakt: It was not so long ago when Windows Mobile enthusiasts got a little treat from HTC with the introduction of the HTC Touch, the first of many Touch series devices that have reached our shores in the past few months. More importantly, HTCs innovative To...
Eines der gegenwärtig innovativsten Handys?Das Touch Diamond ist für ein Windows-Smartphone extrem klein und schlank geraten und dabei dennoch ein top ausgestattet. Allerdings kostet das Zusammenspiel zwischen Windows Mobile und der Oberfläche TouchFL...
Nutzer, die ein schön designtes und solide verarbeitetes Multimedia-Handy suchen, sind mit dem HTC Touch Diamond bestens bedient. Besonders gelungen ist das Display mit seiner brillanten Auflösung und Farbdarstellung. So wird das Surfen mit dem UMTS-Tu...
Smartphone mit Touchscreen: Die Hauptfunktionen des XDA Diamond lassen sich problemlos per Finger bedienen. Außerdem verfügt das Handy über UMTS-Datenturbo HSDPA, einer guten Internetfunktion und 4 Gigabyte Speicher. Leider ist das Menü teilweise etwas...