Testseek.dk har samlet 38 ekspertanmeldelser af Ori and the Blind Forest og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 90%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for Ori and the Blind Forest.
Marts 2015
38 Tester
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse fra eksperter, der har anmeldt dette produkt.
Abstrakt: af Troels Sejrup Rødkjær Publiceret 16/03/2015 Platformsgenren er ikke den allermest populære genre i gaming i disse tider, og da særligt ikke når man kun har sølle 2 dimensioner at rutte med, som det er tilfældet i Ori and the Blind Forest. Der er komme...
Abstrakt: Alla minns vi Doom – klassikern som kom att definiera en hel genre. 2016 års version erbjuder högt tempo, men fokuserar på precis lika mycket hjärndöd action som originalet.Dessutom är nivåerna fullproppade med hemligheter, vilket gör att du kommer att få...
Abstrakt: A series of missteps put Microsoft in second place before the Xbox One even came out. While it's likely to remain there until the next generation begins, there are a lot of people out there who have never experienced what the console has to offer. With th...
Abstrakt: A series of missteps put Microsoft in second place before the Xbox One even came out. While it's likely to remain there until the next generation begins, there are a lot of people out there who have never experienced what the console has to offer. With th...
Udgivet: 2015-05-01, Forfatter: Matthew , anmeldelse af: gaming-age.com
Abstrakt: Just going by gameplay, I don't think there's anything especially noteworthy about Ori and the Blind Forest. I mean, don't get me wrong: it's a solid platformer, and it deserves some measure of praise for that. The controls are pretty easy to use, everyth...
Udgivet: 2015-04-03, Forfatter: Paul , anmeldelse af: gamecrate.com
Abstrakt: Microsoft's E3 Press Conference last year was a non-stop showcase of visually arresting trailers, but none caught the eye (and ears) more than Moon Studios' stunning debut platforming game, Ori and the Blind Forest. While the game has only been in the pub...
Udgivet: 2015-03-12, Forfatter: Sean , anmeldelse af: Gamingnexus.com
Abstrakt: Platformers are not difficult to come by. Good platformers, however, can be much more difficult to find. From Super Mario Bros. to Sonic the Hedgehog, Mega Man to Kirby and everything in between, we're reaching the point where it's a challenge for develop...