Udgivet: 2019-02-14, Forfatter: David , anmeldelse af: playerone.se
Abstrakt: Det tog sin tid men nu är Crackdown 3 här och det med buller och bång! Säkerligen är många nyfikna på spelet som skulle bevisa hur Microsofts molnteknik kunde ge Xbox One så mycket extra kräm att hela världar skulle kunna demoleras i det närmaste totalt...
Crackdown 3 er to vidt forskjellige spel i ei pakke. Microsoft har sett dette tydeleg nok sjølve til å la deg laste ned dei to modusane kvar for seg, noko som er eit veldig smart trekk. Fleirspelarmodusen er strengt tatt ganske uinteressant i lengda, men...
Abstrakt: Crackdown 3 isn't a great game, sure, but is it fun? Most definitely. It has a number of issues both on the technical and mechanical side of things, but I still had a tough time putting it down over the course of the past few days, and enjoyed the 7 or so...
Udgivet: 2019-02-18, Forfatter: Alex , anmeldelse af: newgamenetwork.com
Crackdown 3 offers occasional glimpses of fun, but it's far too bogged down by outdated mechanics, bugs, and disappointing multiplayer to be worth anywhere near the full asking price...
Udgivet: 2019-02-14, Forfatter: Dean , anmeldelse af: venturebeat.com
Abstrakt: More than four years after it was first shown and after more than five years of development, Microsoft is finally publishing Crackdown 3 on the Xbox One and Windows PC on February 15.It's a big moment for fans who have waited a long time since 2010's Crac...