Testseek.dk har samlet 8 ekspertanmeldelser af The Da Vinci Code og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 61%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for The Da Vinci Code.
8 Tester
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse fra eksperter, der har anmeldt dette produkt.
Abstrakt: Dan Browns novel The Da Vinci Code has sold upwards of 40 million copies since its release in July 2005, and just last month the movie of the film notched up the second-biggest debut ever of $224 million (119 million pounds) at the global box office. ...
Abstrakt: 2K Games Okay, odds are youve read the book (65 million copies in print in a mere 4 years. Yeah, its a record), seen the movie (2nd highest worldwide opening of all time at $208 million bucks), or at least heard of the massive amount of hoopl...
If you couldn’t put down the book and you saw the movie on opening day then you might want to check this game out, but I could only recommend this as a rental. Some retail copies come with a movie ticket, which might ease the sticker sting of a purc...
Abstrakt: The overall visual feeling of the movie is conveyed very well in the game’s graphics. The game has a great amount of shadows, which really lends to the suspenseful theme and helps during the stealth portions of the game. The characters are portrayed...
Var denne anmeldelse nyttig?
Udgivet: 2006-05-26, Forfatter: David , anmeldelse af: gamespy.com
Puzzle solving is pretty entertaining.
Lackluster presentation; poorly designed combat system.
When Dan Browns controversial novel The Da Vinci Code first hit, it quickly landed on the New York Times bestseller list... a place its found pretty comfortable for more than three years. The book then made its way to the big screen, where it opened ...
Abstrakt: In the case of The Da Vinci Code what worked well in the book and the movie doesn?t translate so well to console or PC, creating a game that is mediocre at best. There are some amusing moments, and a few puzzles that are worth the mental effort, but I ...
The puzzles are varied and challenging, The game sticks closely to the book and film but adds new content of its own to pad out the adventure, Relatively lengthy storyline with secrets and unlockables to find
Characters look bad, animate poorly, and sound flat, Combat is fairly well done but seems out of place in the context of the story, Lots of bugs make the game feel unfinished, Story tends to move very slowly at times
The Da Vinci Code is a middling adventure game take on Dan Browns mega-selling novel, but it does do at least a few things reasonably well. ...