Man kan godt tillade sig at kalde NBA Jam for et remake, men samtidigt er det mere end bare ny grafik, lyd og navne. Det er lykkedes at tilføje nye elementer som "Smash", "Elimination" og "Boss Battles", som fungerer ret godt, især "Elimination" er sjo...
Abstrakt: Gammal arkadklassiker återvänder till Wii och Jonas Elfving har slamdunkat som ett jehu i såväl Magic Johnsons som Barack Obamas svettiga basketskor...
Abstrakt: NBA Jam er verken stort eller revolusjonerende, men det gjør en god jobb å bygge på følelsene det originale spillet klarte å skape i blant annet spillehaller i 1993. Det er uavansert, men samtidig ikke helt uten dybde i banespillet. Grepene du tar kan...
Abstrakt: With fond memories of over-the-top-basketball silliness, many folks have undoubtedly long been awaiting Electronic Arts' (EA) reboot of NBA Jam. Does this latest Wii entry offer players the dose of fun nostalgia they've been yearning for, or is it merely...
No online multiplayer, One of the charms of video games is the way they make you feel you are actually doing something. Arcade basketball game NBA Jam perfectly illustrates this: every time I made a shot, leaping ten feet in the air and slamming the ball through the hoop or softly tossing the ball so that it gently glided through the net with a swish, I felt like I had done something truly i
Abstrakt: Resurrection is often looked upon as one of the go-to moves in the video game industry. Digging up beloved titles of the past and adding next-generation flavor or keeping in tune with the nostalgic roots has been a popular decision with many publisher...
Abstrakt: NBA Jam, the sports title that took arcades by storms in 1993, is back as an original title for Wii. Developed and published by EA, the game has been designed to look and feel as much as possible like the original game, which is a good thing. As wit...
Abstrakt: NBA Jam has everything you remember about the original, for better or worse, but mostly the better. The game hits all those old school nostalgia notes perfectly, striving to show off something new, but not straying so far from the original formula so a...