Abstrakt: These cards come in sizes ranging from 4GB to 64GB. PlayStation Vita games are normally less than 1GB in size, so if you just want to try out a few new titles then 8GB or 16GB should do you fine. If you plan to suck up the entire breadth of Vita’s library...
Exciting arcade sorties, Satisfying progression, Great soundtrack
Some useless upgrades, Randomized frustration
Luftrausers is a carefully engineered game with finely polished mechanics under its simple graphics. Each round is a breathless rush, every death painless enough to make restarting from scratch absolutely no hardship. Don't expect great depth or long-term...
Insanely fun to play. Frustratingly addictive. LUFTRAUSERS is one wild experience, and makes for a must-have handheld game.9Develver Digital LUFTRAUSERS ps vita PS3 Vlambeer 2014-03-18Mikhail MadnaniTagged with: Develver Digital LUFTRAUSERS ps vita PS3 V...
Var denne anmeldelse nyttig?
Udgivet: 2014-03-18, Forfatter: Arthur , anmeldelse af: gamer.nl
Heerlijke besturing, genoeg beloning om door te knallen, kleine customizations maken groot verschil
Unlocken gaat erg snel
Luftrausers is evenveel stijl als substantie. Het retro-uiterlijk en de spectaculaire actie vullen elkaar perfect aan in een hectische arcadeshooter met eigen smoelwerk. De tactische toevoegingen ten opzichte van zijn flash-voorganger maken Luftrausers ee...