Udgivet: 2017-02-21, Forfatter: David , anmeldelse af: psbloggen.se
Abstrakt: Sedan E3 2015 har jag längtat efter detta hack 'n slash-spel som utvecklats och släppts av jättarna Ubisoft. Dess unika medeltida framtoning fick hjärtat att skutta i halsgropen vid första anblick. Att jag nu får recensera men framförallt spela detta blod...
For Honor er pen, stilren og brutal moro – i hvert fall når alt først klaffer, og heldigvis klaffer det ganske så ofte. Spillets grunnpilar er det enkle og elegante kampsystemet som, tradisjonen tro, er lett å lære og vanskelig å mestre. Fra denne kjernen...
Abstrakt: When Ubisoft first revealed For Honor, I pushed it off thinking of it as yet another multiplayer only, Evolve-esque experience. I expected something similar to Lord of the Rings: Conquest back on Xbox 360. I was completely wrong and taken aback when I fin...
Udgivet: 2017-02-23, Forfatter: Nic , anmeldelse af: destructoid.com
An exercise in apathy, neither solid nor liquid. Not exactly bad, but not very good either. Just a bit "meh," really. How we score: The Destructoid Reviews Guide...
Abstrakt: I've chopped, smashed, and stabbed more medieval bodies in the past few days than I can count. I've also been cut open, impaled, and beheaded more times than I care to admit. Kill and be killed—that's the proposition at the heart of For Honor, a game in...
Udgivet: 2017-02-14, Forfatter: Nic , anmeldelse af: destructoid.com
Abstrakt: For Honor reminds me of the kind of game that gets featured in TV shows where the writers don't really know a lot about games. It's just this crazy mash-up of fantasy warriors, cool martial arts, and plenty of blood splashed about without any real context...