Abstrakt: Hypen kring Halo -skaparna Bungies nya FPS, Destiny, har varit smått astronomisk. Efter att ha skapat ett av världens mest ikoniska first-person shooter spel med Master Chief i huvudrollen, exklusivt till Microsofts Xbox-konsoler, så ger man sig nu in i...
Udgivet: 2014-09-09, Forfatter: Johan , anmeldelse af: skillpoint.se
Abstrakt: Att sammanfatta ett spel som Destiny är inte helt lätt, till och med lite schizofrent. Lite för att det är något av en känslomässig berg och dalbana med både lysande inslag men också en mängd problem. Inslag som är svår att vikta mot varandra då problemen...
Udgivet: 2014-10-16, Forfatter: Michael , anmeldelse af: geardiary.com
Customizable weapons/vehicles, dynamic gameplay, positive potential in future content, amazing visuals and lighting effects, highly enjoyable gameplay, smooth controls, special sequence set on the moon, music soundtrack, variety in environments
Diminished personal involvement in high-concept story; negative Strike gameplay when players drop out; variety in enemy encounters
Abstrakt: I'm standing in front of a cave, my assault rifle drawn. I'm shooting at a steady stream of identical aliens. I do this for an hour, hoping an alien will drop a good enough item so I can finally feel okay about walking away. That moment never seems to com...
Destiny has many great elements at its core, with solid action mechanics and especially if you were already a fan of Bungie's previous work. But there are many design concerns which bog down the experience, from the boring story to the underdeveloped MMO ...
Udgivet: 2014-09-17, Forfatter: Jeremy , anmeldelse af: Gamingnexus.com
Abstrakt: Destiny. Does a game with this much hype and anticipation really need an introduction?If you play video games, the you have undoubtedly heard of the game either from the non-stop PR promotion over the past year or talk amongst the gaming communities. This...