Testseek.dk har samlet 16 ekspertanmeldelser af Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 85%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for Super Street Fighter 4: Arcade Edition.
Juni 2011
16 Tester
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Udgivet: 2013-07-26, Forfatter: Anders , anmeldelse af: gamers-globe.dk
Abstrakt: Arcade Edition vil glæde de dedikerede fans, men er også et udemærket sted at starte for de nye.Capcom en smule kritik, da man tilbage i 90erne sendte lidt forbedrede versioner af Street Fighter II på markedet gang på gang og det er en trend man har ge...
Abstrakt: ”Arcade Edition” ak ja, alene ordet ”arcade” bringer minderne frem om en svunden tid tilbage i 90'erne, hvor steder som Tivoli og Professor Olsens Spilleland i det københavnske var samlingssteder for spilleglade entusiaster, der i sommermånederne helle...
Abstrakt: Några av de mest prestigefylla fightingspelturneringarna använder något Street Fighter-spel. Nu har Super Street Fighter IV utvecklats och släpps som Arcade Edition. Under mitten av 90-talet gjorde Capcom sig kända för att vara ett företag som dels pum...
Abstrakt: Mainitsin vuosi sitten, että Super Street Fighter IV oli isompi ja hiotumpi versio yhdestä vuoden 2009 hauskimmista moninpeleistä. Valitettavasti siinä missä alkuperäinen Super Street Fighter IV sisälsi paljon tervetulleita uudistuksia edelliseen pelii...
Solid, fun fighting, All four new characters are interesting additions, Across the board character balancing.
No Challenge mode for new characters.
Arcade Edition is the most comprehensive version of Street Fighter IV released to date, and an essential buy for fans who don't already have Super Street Fighter IV....
Abstrakt: Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition is here, and long-time Street Fighter fans are rejoicing. New balance changes, four new characters, and a bunch of new online options promise to make AE the best version of Street Fighter we have available to us....
Abstrakt: With the mainstream resurgence of fighting games led by Capcom's Street Fighter IV, the whole community has been revitalized. Sure, they still drive up to big cities to do local tournaments that cover both new and old games, but now there's a second...
Abstrakt: Suprise, suprise... Capcom has yet another edition of Street Fighter 4 ready for gamers around the world. I guess that a third edition isn’t “that” bad as long as they have the lineage of Street Fighter 2 to compare itself to, along with its 6 variatio...
The changes in Super Street Fighter IV's Arcade Edition aren't extraordinary, but serve to further refine and balance one of the best fighting games in existence. The four new fighters are equal parts flashy (Evil Ryu, Oni) and subtly formidable (Yun, ...
Abstrakt: In 1991, Capcom released Street Fighter II. With its roster of playable characters, each with their own story, style, unique strikes, and attack combos, it quickly became the paradigm for fighting games. Over more than twenty years, the franchise has d...