Scarygirl is a fantastic mash-up of quirky and horror elements, set in an eccentric landscape filled to the brim with imagination. What it does lack is a solid direction in the level layouts. Creating gorgeous scenery is only part of the overall picture w...
Abstrakt: Platformers are some of the most versatile and well-liked games around, and recent years have brought a wonderful resurgence amidst the slew of first-person shooters, one of the industry's biggest modern draws. Whether gamers choose an new oldie like Supe...
Abstrakt: With all the downloadable platformers on the market, it takes something with flash, uniqueness, and flare to really not only be worth playing, but to pay the price these days to play it. On paper, Scarygirl looks to break the “everyday” mold and captu...
Udgivet: 2012-01-30, Forfatter: Robert , anmeldelse af:
Abstrakt: Hilfreich zur Seite steht ihm dabei ein langohriger, schwebender Karnickel-Guru, der im Spiel den Job des geduldigen Tutorial-Mentors übernimmt und dem Spieler das Regelwerk seiner Welt näherbringt. Das ist auch bitter nötig, denn obwohl sich das Spiel zu...