Testseek.dk har samlet 18 ekspertanmeldelser af Race Driver: Grid og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 84%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for Race Driver: Grid.
18 Tester
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse fra eksperter, der har anmeldt dette produkt.
Abstrakt: Sæt nøglerne i tændingen og gør klar til at fræse rundt med Codemasters' nyeste mesterværk.Jeg er fuldstændigt opslugt af fart og spænding, da jeg kaster min Mustang rundt i svingene, imens mit crew kalder over radioen og siger, at min bil er så skadet...
At Codemasters igen laver det, de er gode til, samt det gode variation i baner, og forskellige events.
Når man har kørt lidt for meget, eller man gentagne gang får baghjul i Le Mans, som slutter hver sæson af med et 24 minutters ræs, inkl. en mørkelagt bane om natten.
Abstrakt: Burnout 3 holds a special place in my heart and now GRID sits right next to it. This is not a racing game that you should play with a friend casually or plan to finish as a weekend rental. GRID is a must-own classic that begs to be played now and will ...
Abstrakt: Grid marks the newest entry in the TOCA series of racers from Codemasters. At first glance it looks like a straight up arcade style racer, but there are a few sim qualities involved to help separate it from other current arcade style games, like the Bu...
Var denne anmeldelse nyttig?
Udgivet: 2008-06-10, Forfatter: Steve , anmeldelse af: gamespy.com
Great visuals deliver super sense of speed; nasty crashes; cars show and react to damage.
May be too sim for arcade fans and too arcade for sim fans; learning curve can be tough; tops out at 720p.
Its been a fun month or so for PS3-owning race fans. Hot on the tail of Gran Turismo 5 Prologue comes GRID, Codemasters latest racer -- and its first for the console. The game throws in more arcade-like elements than gamers may expect from the develo...
Abstrakt: That said, labelling Codemasters’ latest offering, GRID, as a ‘realistic’ racing game isn’t totally fair. If anything, it’s more akin to the arcade/simulation crossover found in the highly successful Project Gotham series. The handling of the cars is n...
Plenty of racing disciplines and locations, Accessible and rewarding career mode, Excellent online lobby system, Superb graphics and presentation.
Lacking online game types, No mechanical upgrades for vehicles, No splitscreen multiplayer support, Sometimes finicky controls.
Grid is a classy arcade racing game, providing enough depth and variety to satisfy any fan of the genre. ...
Var denne anmeldelse nyttig?
Udgivet: 2008-06-04, Forfatter: Guy , anmeldelse af: cnet.com
Abstrakt: Codemasters Race Driver series has long put the emphasis on making the driver, not the cars, the stars of the show. Grid is the spiritual successor to this series, and though it still offers you the chance to travel the world as a racing driver, the e...