Abstrakt: Killzone 2 sits alone aboard a thundering hype train as it hurtles through clawing mists of uncertainty and doubt towards to an end station never before reached by a PlayStation 3 release. Meanwhile, hordes of wide-eyed gamers gather expectantly around...
Abstrakt: We havent had the pleasure before, so it is with a twinge of excitement we sit down in Guerrillas booth on Sonys GC stand for a few minutes hands-on with Killzone 2. Of course, the singleplayer portion is expected to take on the Halos and Call of D...
Well-paced campaign keeps you in the thick of the action, Great online play constantly rewards you, Intricate, balanced multiplayer maps, Weapons are beefy and fun to shoot, Visually stunning, both technically and artistically
Forgettable story and characters, Tacked-on motion controls
Killzone 2 boasts amazing visuals, an intense campaign and extraordinary online play that will keep you coming back for more. ...
Abstrakt: Expectations for Killzone 2 have been impossibly high among PlayStation loyalists ever since Sony provided a (controversial) glimpse of the game when unveiling the PS3 in 2005. Fortunately, few will be disappointed by this outstanding shooter. While i...
top-notch graphics, fantastic single- and multiplayer modes
frame rate
Gamers have been waiting for the follow-up to the vastly underrated Killzone for a while now but the folks at Guerrilla used the time wisely, crafting an amazing FPS game that PS3 owners can crow about. With top-notch graphics, fantastic single- and m...
Abstrakt: Tyrone Williams9.2The Killzone universe returns to gaming world in Killzone 2 that not only goes beyond the original title but boasts never before seen graphics on the PlayStation 3 and some great first person shooter gaming moments. Although original...
Abstrakt: It’s easy to be jaded by the alarming number of sequels these days. There’s an obvious trend towards the comfortable familiarity, and consequential mega bucks spent by consumers, on a ‘safe bet’. Of course, this means developers of successful original ...
Abstrakt: Them Helghast are good shots! Dismounting our crash-landed transport, me and my buddies found a trio of the black-and-oranges around the first corner, and I just stood there like a Muppet as they showed me that he who hesitates, in the immortal words ...
Abstrakt: Killzone 2 is a tactical, first person shooter carrying straight on from the first game. The story line is simple. After defending the planet against the evil Helghan, the ISA (the good guys) launches an assault back on their own planet which is where ...