Abstrakt: The visuals in Killzone 2 are quite stunning to say the least. If there is one thing that Guerrilla Games can confidently say it is that they pretty much met the target video from E3 in 2005. What is evident from the start is that Killzone 2 it is not ...
Abstrakt: The original Killzone for the PS2 remains today as one of my favorite console FPS games, at least for that particular system. A few years later Guerilla Games brought the franchise to the PSP in a brilliant third-person tactical shooter. And now we ha...
People doubted that Guerilla Games could match its infamous Killzone 2 trailer from E3, but not only has Guerilla Games matched that trailer, but they’ve also exceeded it. Even if you’ve played every other FPS to date, Killzone 2 is worth picking up. T...
Abstrakt: It's been a long time coming, but after a 4 year wait, Killzone 2 is finally out on store shelves. Developed by Guerrilla Games, this is a PlayStation 3 exclusive sci-fi FPS, set in a galactic war between two human colonies, the ISA and the Helghast. T...
Abstrakt: I can still remember the first time I saw “the trailer” during E3 2005. A lot of changes have obviously been made since the earlier days of development, but the game probably looks just as good if not better than it did in that trailer. It really is am...
Abstrakt: Check out the Video Review.Since its announcement, Killzone 2 has been touted as the proving point for the necessity of both the PlayStation 3’s po...
Udgivet: 2009-02-26, Forfatter: Kevin , anmeldelse af: cnet.com
Abstrakt: No one could have suspected that the sequel to 2004s Killzone would be this good. Killzone 2 is a tremendous package, offering an exciting campaign and terrific competitive online play, neither of which create new paradigms for first-person shooters, ...
Wellpaced campaign keeps you in the thick of action, Great online play constantly rewards you, Intricate, balanced multiplayer maps, Weapons are beefy and fun to shoot, Visually stunning, both technically and artistically.
Forgettable story and characters, Tackedon motion controls.
Killzone 2 boasts amazing visuals, an intense campaign, and extraordinary online play that will keep you coming back for more. ...
Abstrakt: Perhaps more than any other game so far this generation, Killzone 2 is a title weighed down by extreme expectations–both positive and negative. After years of equal parts hype from PlayStation 3 fanboys and bile from haters, the game is finally almost ...