Testseek.dk har samlet 56 ekspertanmeldelser af Enslaved: Odyssey to the West og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 81%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for Enslaved: Odyssey to the West.
Oktober 2010
56 Tester
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse fra eksperter, der har anmeldt dette produkt.
0 Tester
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse af ejere af produktet.
Redaktørerne kunne lide
Original og underholdende historie
Godt og afbalanceret gameplay
Eminent design
Teknisk flot
Over en rigtig godt fortalt historie
Der formår at røre spilleren steder
Hvor man knap nok tør indrømme det. Når det kommer til udvikling og dynamik imellem spillets hovedpersoner
Måler det sig faktisk nemt med Uncharted-serien
Hvilket i sig selv er en klapsalve værd.
Redaktørerne brød sig ikke om
Styringen er ikke altid lige skarp
Til tider sløvt kamera
Uudnyttet potentiale af slavedynamikken.
Når kameraet driller og når man egentligt ikke behøver udforske så meget
Sympathetic characters and wellcrafted cutscenes, A wide variety of beautiful locations, Smooth combat that is brutally satisfying, Boss fights, chase scenes, and puzzles offer good variety.
Touchy movement controls, Camera is too zoomed in at times.
Enslaved is an affecting adventure that makes strong use of its characters and story to create a believable world....
Abstrakt: It is an amusing coincidence that one of the most prolific U.S. game publishers of the Dragon Ball franchise is also the publisher of Enslaved: Odyssey to the West. Both are loosely based on the 400-year-old Chinese folktale, Journey to the West and b...
As a reviewer, it’s sometimes hard to assign a number to an experience, and Enslaved presents that challenge. It has flaws for certain, from dodgy controls and limited combat, to a conclusion that feels less like an ending and more like the story just ...
Abstrakt: Literally starting with a bang– several, in fact – and going on to deliver one of the best openers in a game for years, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is the latest production from developer Ninja Theory. Like its previous game, Heavenly Sword, Ody...
Abstrakt: Literally starting with a bang– several, in fact – and going on to deliver one of the best openers in a game for years, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is the latest production from developer Ninja Theory. Like its previous game, Heavenly Sword, Ody...
Abstrakt: Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is a game that I wasn't really that excited for but when I started playing, I was quite pleasantly surprised of how entertaining the gameplay, graphics and story unravelled. It may not challenge the world of first person a...
Compelling characters and superb performances that have an emotional impact; gameplay that is varied enough to stay interesting throughout.
Problems with the controls and the camera; lacks polish.
It’s too bad the game suffers from some irritating problems, because Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is a game that never gets boring and often surprises. There are glimpses into the apocalypse that befell our civilization. Signs indicate evacuation zon...
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Udgivet: 2010-10-12, Forfatter: Andrew , anmeldelse af: theregister.co.uk
As an exercise in pushing storytelling within videogames, Enslaved merely highlights just how much the medium still needs to mature. The voice acting deserves critical acclaim, Andy Serkis in particular proving videogames deserve greater consideration tha...
Engaging plot and characters hold up an adventure with a great blend of gameplay styles in a world often amazingly beautiful.
A few technical issues with texture pop-up, combat is fun but lacks depth, Pigsy is an unwelcome addition to the cast and there are occasional frustrating moment when you try to climb downwards. unwelcome addition to the cast and there are occasional frustrating moment when you try to climb
The ending may prove divisive, but thanks to some brilliant acting and well-balanced gameplay, Ninja Theory seems to have found the perfect storytelling formula. Enslaved is definitely worth your attention. 8.3/10Print this pageComments (0)Share this p...