Testseek.dk har samlet 56 ekspertanmeldelser af Enslaved: Odyssey to the West og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 81%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for Enslaved: Odyssey to the West.
Oktober 2010
56 Tester
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse fra eksperter, der har anmeldt dette produkt.
0 Tester
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse af ejere af produktet.
Redaktørerne kunne lide
Original og underholdende historie
Godt og afbalanceret gameplay
Eminent design
Teknisk flot
Over en rigtig godt fortalt historie
Der formår at røre spilleren steder
Hvor man knap nok tør indrømme det. Når det kommer til udvikling og dynamik imellem spillets hovedpersoner
Måler det sig faktisk nemt med Uncharted-serien
Hvilket i sig selv er en klapsalve værd.
Redaktørerne brød sig ikke om
Styringen er ikke altid lige skarp
Til tider sløvt kamera
Uudnyttet potentiale af slavedynamikken.
Når kameraet driller og når man egentligt ikke behøver udforske så meget
Abstrakt: Enslaved är en postapocalyptisk berättelse baserad på en 400-årig skrift, Journey to the West. Tidpunkten är 150 år från nu och världen ligger i ruiner. Det finns enbart ett fåtal överlevanden. I Enslaved tar spelaren rollen som Monkey, en stark man so...
Abstrakt: Jag gillade verkligen Heavenly Sword, Ninja Theorys förra spel. Så pass mycket att jag trodde stenhårt på Enslaved och blev ännu mer förväntansfull över att få röra mig i ett igenvuxet New York. Upplägget tilltalade mig verkligen. Trots att Heavenly Sw...
Abstrakt: Dette er utvilsomt en av årets største positive overraskelser, og selvsikkerheten det opptrer med gjør det vanskelig å forstå at utvikler Ninja Theory kun har tre spill bak seg. Mekanismene er en salig gumbo av ting som har vært populære i spillindust...
Udgivet: 2017-04-24, Forfatter: Robert , anmeldelse af: cheatcc.com
Abstrakt: Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is basically a whirlwind tour of everything that's popular in third-person action games these days. In fast succession, players encounter it all: platforming, melee combat, teamwork, vehicle and turret sequences, puzzles, ste...
Overall Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is a bright, vibrant, action adventure game with a great story (up till the ending) that will keep your interest throughout the 15 chapter saga. Many of the game mechanics are simple and easy to get used to althou...
Some of the best character development and dialog this year,
Gameplay, combat and platforming are all lacking, The 7hour campaign is short lived and not interesting enough to want to play through, Stagnant plot, no real reason for players to keep playing after an hour
Rich characters inhabit an equally rich world; gorgeous environments; fascinating story that’s presented in an engrossing way; flawless facial animations; voice work and music are exceptional,
Simple platforming and combat hold it back from being a truly great action title; sloppy camera system; very frequent texture popins; the story’s culmination doesn’t live up to its presentation.
Enslaved is a definite improvement over Ninja Theory’s previous title, Heavenly Sword. Though it features that same great attention to character detail and some remarkably beautiful looking environments, it remains a bit shallow in the technical depart...
Interesting story, no install needed, gorgeous environments, simple controls, fairly easy to command the Trip NPC, multiple difficulty levels, lots of upgrades to acquire, good voice acting and comes with comic book. There are also occasional third person shooter segments.
It’s difficult to explore and look for orbs since Monkey can die if he wanders too far from Trip, you can’t lock-on to enemies, it’s short and sometimes its difficult to see the shimmering items Monkey can climb on. Subtitles are very difficult to read.
Abstrakt: When we think of post apocalyptic settings and locales our minds are implicitly drawn to images of barren wastelands or dilapidated cities enveloped in darkness. UK based developers Ninja Theory have approached a typically desolate portrayal of global ...
Whenever video games and the film industry collide there is usually a mess. It is rare to find a collaboration between the two great entertainment industries that truly works well. Video games usually suffer for their links to Hollywood names and so it...