Testseek.dk har samlet 17 ekspertanmeldelser af Captain America - Super Soldier og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 64%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for Captain America - Super Soldier.
17 Tester
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse fra eksperter, der har anmeldt dette produkt.
Abstrakt: Der findes ikke en mere patriotisk super helt end Captain America og det er måske lige hvad USA har behov for midt i økonomisk nedtur tæt på en statsbankerot. Det er igen SEGA som har fået opgaven med at løfte Captain America fra tegneserie og fi...
Abstrakt: It would give me great pleasure to be able to sit here and write that the new Captain America movie tie-in game, Captain America: Super Soldier, is this generation's equivalent of GoldenEye (arguably the high water mark for movie-based games). That ho...
Abstrakt: There are two ways Captain America: Super Soldier can be judged; we can either see it as an above-average movie tie-in, or a mediocre action/adventure game. In either case, what you'll inevitably find during your playthrough is recycled gameplay (with ...
Abstrakt: Don’t expect to re-live scenes from the upcoming movie. Instead, you will play through a restricted single-player campaign focused solely on exploring and fighting your way through Armin Zola’s castle, located high in the Bavarian mountains. Though ...
Captain America: Super Soldier is definitely a Batman: Arkham Asylum clone in nearly every way possible. It’s not as good as B:AA, but it’s also not a bad game. In fact, it’s a highly enjoyable one. Sure, there isn’t much of a story, and the game suffe...
If you want an open-world superhero adventure, full of kick-ass combat and endless discovery, there’s probably a better alternative on the way. But Captain America is passable, and the combat is surprisingly varied and well executed. But if you’re expe...
Sloppylooking graphics; dull storytelling; no replay value.
In the end, Super Soldier feels mediocre just like most movie tie-in games, but we do have to applaud the way the game tries to be different. The combat is easily the best part about the game as it's engaging and satisfying to take down enemies with y...
Captain America: Super Soldier ist zwar kein kompletter Rohrkrepierer wie zum Beispiel Thor: Das Videospiel oder Iron Man 2 aber auch kein neues Batman: Arkham Asylum. Die Wahrheit liegt also wie so oft irgendwo in der Mitte. Fans des patriotischen He...