Abstrakt: De absolut flesta har troligen en eller annan gång i sitt liv drömt att de kunnat flyga. För vissa var det inget mer än en dröm, men för andra gav upplevelsen ett rus som var svårt att skaka av sig. Tänk om det vore...
Abstrakt: Lux-Pain er et spill du enten vil elske eller hate. Det serverer en fengslende handling og et sjeldent interessant persongalleri, men kan på ingen måte sies å være fritt for problemer. Det største ankepunktet er den nesten latterlige mangelen på varia...
Abstrakt: Visual novels are proving to be a popular sub-genre of adventure game, and given the nature of the DS, several of them have either made their first appearance to the world on the platform or appear on it after being ported from other systems. One of th...
Abstrakt: In the end, the experience isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. The pacing, bad translation, and lack of interaction bring Lux-Pain down quite a few notches and pretty much make it one of those very niche titles that a select group of people rave abo...
Abstrakt: So I had this game for some time now and I meant to get a review up sooner but I had some family issues come up that kind of prevented that. Lux-Pain is a pretty good game if you have a lot of time on your hands. I was totally confused by the story lin...
Abstrakt: Another visual novel game come to the Nintendo DS platform. Named Lux-Pain, this game revolves around the main character Atsuki as he talk and interact with people of Kisaragi city, while searching for evidence of the "Original Silent". How good is th...
Abstrakt: Name: Lux-PainGenre: AdventurePlatform: Nintendo DSIt’s not often that I play a game that, without being broken, has few positive things I can say about it. I had no idea what to expect when recently-localized DS title Lux-Pain landed on my desk, but i...
Abstrakt: Video games have come a long way since simply urging you to save the princess, and these days they increasingly present stories with complex, mature themes and social commentary. Lux-Pain, from publisher Ignition Entertainment, is a novel-style adventu...
Abstrakt: There must be someone out there whose job it is to come up with bad names for entertainment properties. The kind of names that either misrepresent the movies, books and games theyre meant to promote or reveal nothing at all about them. Im thinking I...