Abstrakt: Revival is a turn-based strategy game with its fair share of tactical and micro-management elements. Those who know (and love) Civilization from everybody’s favourite game creator giant Sid Meier, will probably be able to jump right into this game of ...
Abstrakt: I have been reviewing Herocraft games for about a year now. With four (or five depending upon how you count) reviews under my belt, I think it is no secret that I have been extremely impressed by many of their offerings. Herocraft’s games tend to be...
Abstrakt: Besondere Reportagen, Analysen und Hintergründe für Rollenspiel-Helden, Hobbygeneräle und Singleplayer-Fans – von Experten, die wissen, was gespielt wird. Deine Vorteile:Das Leben, wie wir es kennen, existiert nicht mehr. Eine Apokalypse hat die Erde bis...