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Reviews of Toyota Land Cruiser SUV 2017 har samlet 3 ekspertanmeldelser af Toyota Land Cruiser SUV 2017 og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 90%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for Toyota Land Cruiser SUV 2017.
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  Udgivet: 2017-01-16, anmeldelse af:

  • Vault-like solidity, Premium features, Legendary and deserved reputation for off-road capability,
  • Numb on-road manners, Thirsty fuel consumption, Shocking price tag
  • With its steep price tag, comparisons between the Land Cruiser and Land Rover Range Rover are inevitable. However, the Land Cruiser's appeal is more in its understated packaging and rock-solid capability. In our First Test Review of a 2016 model, we noted...

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  Udgivet: 2016-09-27, anmeldelse af:

  • The Land Cruiser's off-road prowess doesn't come at the expense of ride comfort, Three-row, eight-passenger accommodations are standard, Towing capacity is higher than average
  • The Land Cruiser is as expensive as other luxury-branded SUVs, Third-row seats are confining and take up precious cargo space when stowed

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  Udgivet: 2017-11-15, Forfatter: 瓊斯 , anmeldelse af:

  • Abstrakt:  Land Cruiser Prado是Toyota旗下的七人座越野休旅車,相較於今日的市場主流都會SUV,它無疑是條真漢子!崎嶇地形沙土泥濘才是它的舞台,跋山涉水、翻山越嶺都難不倒它,帶你跨越惡地探訪秘境美景。看著它,我們得說「Land Cruiser」這名字取得好!因為它就像是陸地上的巡洋艦,噸位大、火力強、身披厚實裝甲,不畏惡劣天候隨時伴著你開赴遠方! 不過,今天在我們眼前的其實並非Land Cruiser,而是小一號的「Land Cruiser Prado」,但可別因此小看它,相較八人座老大哥接...

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