The Personal Communicator RevelationI sat for a few weeks before starting to pen this review. I had the hardest time trying to put down preconceptions of the iPhone, iPod Tablet, and Nokia Internet Tablets when looking at the mylo COM-2. It is a mix...
Abstrakt: Note: YouTube version also available. The Sony mylo 2 (COM-2) personal communicator is available from Amazon and Sony Style for $300. Technorati: com-2, mylo 2 review, mylo 2 web browsing, mylo netfront, mylo2 Comments How does it compare to the Nok...
The Sony Mylo Communicator 2 has a more refined design and now includes a 1.3-megapixel camera, AIM integration, widget support, and direct downloads/uploads.
The Mylo COM2 relies only on a Wi-Fi connection; there is no cellular or Bluetooth technology. The handheld can be sluggish, and the camera doesnt record video at this time.
The Sony Mylo Communicator 2 is a huge improvement over its predecessor, but the Wi-Fi handheld will have a hard time competing with the similarly priced and better featured iPhones, Sidekicks, and Helio Oceans of the cellular world.
Abstrakt: The second generation of Sony Mylo is kind of a "User Friendly PDA" with which you can surf on the internet (in a/b/g WiFi), send/receive e-mails, use Skype, listen to music, do social networking, look at or take pictures, watch videos...that sort of t...
Improved touchscreen, Widget-based desktop, Reasonably fast Wi-Fi access
Clunky keyboard, Poor multitasker, Limited wireless options, A little chunky
The second-gen Com-2 mylo offers a lot of functionality for $299, but prospective owners might be better off with a Helio Ocean or iPod touch until Sony can work out the kinks.
Abstrakt: Sony Mylo 2 - The Definitive Review Posted on: January 06, 2008 Photo galleries: exterior, applications, web, photos samplesWith the "Put the fun of a PC in your pocket" tag line, Sony is going after the "young adults" crowd. The company thinks that th...