Testing speakers is one of the simpler tasks as it just involves plugging them in to a variety of sources and rocking out.The difference that the Arctic Sound S361 make over a regular set of desktop speakers is instantly and jaw-droppingly apparent. Ha...
S361′s have plenty of power on offer and deliver a warm and fun experience for enthusiast users who don’t want to spend hundreds of pounds on speakers. Arctic Cooling have gotten the mix right. We have certainly heard better speakers, but not for 80 e...
Das Arctic Sound S361 2.1 Lautsprecher-Set wird schnell die Runde machen. Nicht nur dass es in allen Disziplinen vorzeigbare Ergebnisse liefert, wirkt es auch noch schön, und um dem positiven Bild noch eines drauf zu setzen, kostet das Set keine 70 Eu...