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Reviews of Asus USB-AC56 Wireless Adapter har samlet 31 ekspertanmeldelser af Asus USB-AC56 Wireless Adapter og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 86%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for Asus USB-AC56 Wireless Adapter.
Pris: Most Awarded August 2014
August 2014
31 Tester
102 Tester
86 0 100 31



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  Udgivet: 2014-08-23, Forfatter: tatoo1956 , anmeldelse af:

  • Denne Asus USB-AC56 USB wireless adapter har overrasket mig positivt. Rækkevidden er i top i forhold til andre USB-dongler og hastighederne ved overførsler o.l. er fine, igen lidt bedre end konkurrenterne (i skrivende stund). Den markante forskel med U...

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  Udgivet: 2014-03-04, Forfatter: Wade , anmeldelse af:

  • Abstrakt:  If they end up needing a new wireless adapter, it is a case of buying the cheapest one available, or buying the next wireless generation (in this case 802.11ac) for future compatibility. Usually, I recommend that they spend the extra money so that they wi...

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  Udgivet: 2014-02-04, Forfatter: John , anmeldelse af:

  • The Asus USB-AC56 unit is the fastest 802.11ac USB adaptor we have tested. It provides the best boost to your data rate at range and allows you to wander far from your router with your laptop while maintaining high data rates....

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  Udgivet: 2014-01-29, Forfatter: Michael , anmeldelse af:

  • Very high TCP throughput—at least at close range, USB 3.0 interface and cradle, Internal and external antennas
  • Only average TCP throughput at longer ranges, Bulky and fragile when external antenna is attached, Expensive
  • The Asus USB-AC56 delivers top-shelf performance, but it's also one of the more expensive 802.11ac Wi-Fi USB adapters you'll encounter....

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  Udgivet: 2013-12-11, anmeldelse af:

  • The USB-AC56 is certainly one of the quickest ways to gain access to a wireless AC connection. With minimal effort required for both installation and setup it is certainly a great option for both the enthusiast and the relative network layman. All that's...

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  Udgivet: 2013-11-25, Forfatter: Tim , anmeldelse af:

  • Abstrakt:  We recently started to test wireless adapters due to our more automated test process. So we are able to rip through a bunch of 'em pretty quickly. Since 802.11ac is all the rage and you don't really get a big performance benefit from an AC router without ...

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  Udgivet: 2013-12-21, Forfatter: Tyler , anmeldelse af:

  • Abstrakt:  As new wireless technologies proliferate in the market, in this case 802.11ac, we find ourselves searching out the means to utilize the new standard. Most notebooks and ultrabooks are not coming equipped with 802.11ac out of the box, leaving us researchin...

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  Udgivet: 2014-01-16, anmeldelse af:

  • Abstrakt:  ASUS’ new wireless router, the RT-AC56U, represents an effort to bring the fast 802.11AC standard to a more affordable price. Meanwhile, the USB-AC56 brings that AC signal to a compact USB adapter....

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  Udgivet: 2017-08-12, Forfatter: Frank , anmeldelse af:

  • There is definitely no lack of choice if you're shopping for an external WiFi adapter, however the performance between the models differs about as much as their price. We do want to note that the most expensive USB adapter and the most expensive PCI-Expre...

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  Udgivet: 2014-05-22, Forfatter: Andrew , anmeldelse af:

  • Upgrades WiFi to 11ac, Fast realworld speed, Increased range
  • Bulky addon, Rudimentary software
  • The Asus USB-AC56 is an effective upgrade that can bring faster wireless networking to the Apple Mac. You'll need a USB 3.0 port for best results, but under the right conditions you may get close to half-gigabit wireless transfers at short range, and the ...

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