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Reviews of Asus USB-AC53 har samlet 20 ekspertanmeldelser af Asus USB-AC53 og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 68%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for Asus USB-AC53.
20 Tester
3076 Tester
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  Udgivet: 2014-02-16, Forfatter: tatoo1956 , anmeldelse af:

  • Jeg er blevet imponeret gennem denne test af ASUS USB-AC53 adapter. N-standarden har været førende gennem flere år, men nu er afløseren kommet med denne AC-standard. Hastighedsforøgelsen er markant, i visse tilfælde kan streamingen være lige så hurtig...

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  Udgivet: 2013-07-01, Forfatter: Ken , anmeldelse af:

  • The ASUS USB-AC53 Wireless-AC Dual-Band Adapter is a great way to upgrade your legacy network connection on your current laptop PC. We were hoping for faster overall speeds, but at this price point ASUS has delivered an excellent way of stepping int...

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  Udgivet: 2013-04-29, Forfatter: Samara , anmeldelse af:

  • Very good throughput in 5GHz mode.
  • Poor performance in 2.4GHz mode. No USB 3.0 support
  • The Asus adapter will deliver fine speeds in 5GHZ mode. However, many users will still want to connect at the more common 2.4 GHz band. 2.4 is not as broad a band as 5 GHz and throughput will be slower on that band, but it shouldn't be as slow as the thr...

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  Udgivet: 2017-04-29, anmeldelse af:

  • With its low and affordable MSRP, solid performance, and small form factor, I cannot recommend the ASUS USB-AC53 Nano enough. It's an overall win for ASUS with this one...

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  Udgivet: 2015-03-10, anmeldelse af:

  • Abstrakt:  Although 802.11ac routers are commonplace these days, many laptops and desktops still do not come equipped with a wireless adapter that is compatible with this fast standard. If you want to connect wirelessly at

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  Udgivet: 2014-02-03, Forfatter: John , anmeldelse af:

  • The Asus USB-AC53 provided significantly higher speeds at range than our test 802.11n laptop adaptor. The included clip to attach it to your laptop screen is well designed and makes this adaptor much more practical when moving your laptop around.Tags:Netw...

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  Udgivet: 2013-05-01, anmeldelse af:

  • The Asus adapter will deliver fine speeds in 5GHZ mode. However, many users will still want to connect at the more common 2.4 GHz band. 2.4 is not as broad a band as 5 GHz and throughput will be slower on that band, but it shouldn't be as slow as the thro...

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  Udgivet: 2013-07-09, Forfatter: JeeYee , anmeldelse af:

  • Dualband support, USB extension cable, Blazing 5GHz band speeds
  • Long build, Slower speeds on 2.4GHz band
  • If you're already astride the 802.11ac bandwagon (especially with an ASUS router), the USB-AC83 is a natural addition for your devices. You won't just be getting blazing transfer speeds, but also a wonderful dose of dual-band support and nifty accessorie...

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  Udgivet: 2013-03-07, anmeldelse af:

  • Based on the results from the different tests, it is obvious that Wireless AC indeed has significant improvements over Wireless N in terms of speeds. The results are clear. If you want to have actual fibre speeds on wireless, either setup on the PCE-AC66 ...

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  Udgivet: 2015-01-08, Forfatter: Sander , anmeldelse af:

  • Abstrakt:  802.11ac-routers zijn inmiddels gemeengoed, maar veel laptops en desktops hebben standaard geen draadloze adapter die met deze snelle standaard overweg kan. Wil je draadloos verbinding maken op volle 'ac-snelheid' dan kan je een USB 802.11ac-adapter ge...

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