Testseek.dk har samlet 6 ekspertanmeldelser af Gigabyte 3D Rocket Cooler Pro GH-PCU22-VG og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 92%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for Gigabyte 3D Rocket Cooler Pro GH-PCU22-VG.
6 Tester
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse fra eksperter, der har anmeldt dette produkt.
Good performance, Can run really quiet (even at max 4000RPM, isnt really annoying), Universal and cool design, Fair price ($45-50), Manual fan control with 3.5" front and PCI bracket option, Easy installation
Taller than many other coolers
With its interesting design and cool features, Gigabytes 3D Rocket Cooler Pro performs really well and can do so at virtually inaudible levels. Cranking up the fan speed results in a good overclocking cooler. Im looking forward to overclocking my 3....
The 3D Cooler series needs little introduction, and it rates as one of the most well received coolers. These coolers are a favourite for their sharp looks, their installation versatility, and their handy fan controls. The 3D Rocker Cooler-Pro makes a ...
Abstrakt: Gigabyte Strikes Back Back in the spring, Gigabyte jumped into the high end CPU cooling market with both feet with the release of their 3D Cooler line.?We were quite happy with the Ultra GT model that we reviewed, but as with everything there are alway...
Abstrakt: Relatively new to cooling, Gigabyte has definitively slammed its position as one of the best manufacturers in this sizeable market. Set on perfection, theyve launched the Rocket (heh), which is based around the same design as the original aluminium 3D...
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