Testseek.dk har samlet 186 ekspertanmeldelser af Asus GeForce GTX 1060 Strix Gaming 6GB GDDR5 PCIe og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 86%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for Asus GeForce GTX 1060 Strix Gaming 6GB GDDR5 PCIe.
August 2016
186 Tester
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse fra eksperter, der har anmeldt dette produkt.
Udgivet: 2016-10-02, Forfatter: Anders , anmeldelse af: tek.no
Svært stille, Lavere temperatur enn referansedesign, Fabrikkoverklokket, Støtter nye standarder, God match for rimelig FreeSyncoppsett, CrossFireXstøtte, God ytelse, Leverer i 1440p, Fabrikkoverklokket, Svært energieffektivt, Støtter nye standarder, Still
Ikke like god ytelse som GTX 1060, Ikke rom for manuell overklokking, Ikke SLIstøtte, Ikke rom for mer manuell overklokking, Et av de dyrere GTX 1060modellene
Om vi skal starte ved å fortelle hvor kortene skuffer oss er det det svake potensialet for manuell overklokking som først og fremst må frem i lyset. Da vi forsøkte å ta MSIs og Asus' grafikkort videre opp fra deres automatiske «OC»-modus ved hjelp av å ma...
GeForce GTX 1060 on erinomainen näytönohjain Full HD -pelaamiseen ja korkeammalla 2560×1440-resoluutiollakin vääntöä riittää 60 FPS:n tuntumaan, ainakin jos kuvanlaatuasetuksista karsii pykälän verran.Näytönohjainvalmistajien omiin suunnitelmiin perustuva...
Udgivet: 2018-02-17, Forfatter: Mark , anmeldelse af: overclock3d.net
Abstrakt: To say that Kingdom Come: Deliverance is a highly anticipated title is an understatement, achieving tremendous success within Kickstarter with the ambition to create an in-depth Medieval RPG experience without Magic or any other fantasy elements. Kingdom...
Udgivet: 2017-11-04, Forfatter: Mark , anmeldelse af: overclock3d.net
To put things simply, Call of Duty: WWII is a game of two halves, singleplayer and multiplayer. On Steam, both halves of the game are available as separate downloads and both contain their own separate graphical options menus, highlighting one simple fact...
Udgivet: 2017-10-26, Forfatter: Mark , anmeldelse af: overclock3d.net
Even before the game's official launch, PC has been heralded as the best platform to play Destiny 2, acting as the only platform that can play the game at 60 FPS (or higher) framerates and with the precision controls that can only be provided with a keybo...
Udgivet: 2017-09-24, Forfatter: Mark , anmeldelse af: overclock3d.net
When push comes to shove, Project Cars 2 can be an exceptionally demanding game on PC. There is no getting away from this simple fact, though to say that this game is a "unoptimised" or "badly made" would be doing a huge disservice to both your our reader...
Udgivet: 2017-08-30, Forfatter: Mark , anmeldelse af: overclock3d.net
Even before the game's official launch, PC has been heralded as the best platform to play Destiny 2, acting as the only platform that can play the game at high 60 FPS (or higher) framerates and with the high levels of precision control that can only be pr...
Udgivet: 2017-05-16, Forfatter: Mark , anmeldelse af: overclock3d.net
Abstrakt: DriversAs always, we will be using the most recent drivers from AMD and Nvidia at the time of release. This means that we will be testing this game with AMD's Radeon Software Crimson ReLive 17.5.1 Driver and Nvidia's Geforce 382.19 driver.These drivers ar...
Udgivet: 2017-03-15, Forfatter: Mark , anmeldelse af: overclock3d.net
Abstrakt: For this game, we will be using the newest drivers that were available when the game released, which is Nvidia's Geforce 378.78 driver and AMD's 17.3.1 driver.Test SetupWe will be testing this game on our dedicated GPU test rig using both high-end and mid...