Testseek.dk har samlet 61 ekspertanmeldelser af AMD Radeon R7 370 2GB GDDR5 PCIe og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 70%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for AMD Radeon R7 370 2GB GDDR5 PCIe.
61 Tester
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse fra eksperter, der har anmeldt dette produkt.
Abstrakt: Lyckad beta. Trots att Playerunknown's Battlegrounds (eller PUBG) fortfarande är i en tidig fas av utvecklingen är den här förstapersonsskjutaren från Battle Royale shooter redan otroligt populär. Vi har också hoppat in i bataljen och tittat närmare på hu...
Udgivet: 2015-12-11, Forfatter: Anders , anmeldelse af: tek.no
Hyggelig pris, God kjøling, Stillegående, Energieffektivt
Lav ytelse, Ingen ytelseforbedring over forrige generasjon
Ytelsen til R7 370 er totalt sett beskjeden, men en må selvsagt se det hele opp mot prisen og de nærmeste alternativene, som i dette tilfellet er Nvidias GTX 950. I så måte fortoner R7 370 seg som et forholdsvis greit kjøp, for den rette gruppen pe...
AMD:n uudet tai lähinnä uudistetut Radeon 300 -sarjalaiset eivät kyenneet testeissämme osoittamaan suurempia yllätyksiä. Tulos oli kuitenkin etukäteen odotettavissa, koska kysymyksessä olevat näytönohjaimet ovat lähinnä vanhojen grafiikkapiirien uudelleen...
Udgivet: 2019-01-27, Forfatter: Tim , anmeldelse af: techspot.com
Well I have to say that although I haven't had a chance to check out the multiplayer action yet, I was pleasantly surprised with what I found in the beta experience of Destiny 2...
Udgivet: 2017-08-31, Forfatter: Steven , anmeldelse af: techspot.com
Well I have to say that although I haven't had a chance to check out the multiplayer action yet, I was pleasantly surprised with what I found in the beta experience of Destiny 2. The game looks great, plays well and it's already significantly more polishe...
Abstrakt: The Performance Enigma. Gaming qualities aside: the stealth-action game, Dishonored 2, is not running as smoothly as one would expect. The PC version is suffering from performance drops. In the following review, we will check how the game runs on notebook...
Udgivet: 2015-10-26, Forfatter: Steven , anmeldelse af: techspot.com
Important to note, all the pricing information below comes from Newegg and excludes sales. If pricing in your country or region differs from the Newegg's pricing in the US, which it likely will, then please draw your own conclusions based on the performan...
Abstrakt: So over the last two weeks I have taken a look at two different R7 370's and two GTX 950's so this week I'm going to pair them up and see just how good they perform in dual card configurations. Today I will start off the testing by testing and looking at...
Var denne anmeldelse nyttig?
Udgivet: 2018-07-09, Forfatter: Tomas , anmeldelse af: uk.hardware.info
Abstrakt: AMD introduced her new R7/R9 300 range of graphics cards on the 18th of June. We benchmarked the Radeon R7 370 2GB and 4GB, 380 2GB and 4GB as well as the Radeon R9 390 and 390X. We will not dive in to technical aspects and possibilities of the new ca...
Var denne anmeldelse nyttig?
Udgivet: 2018-07-09, Forfatter: Tomas , anmeldelse af: uk.hardware.info
Abstrakt: AMD introduced her new R7/R9 300 range of graphics cards on the 18th of June. We benchmarked the Radeon R7 370 2GB and 4GB, 380 2GB and 4GB as well as the Radeon R9 390 and 390X. We will not dive in to technical aspects and possibilities of the new ca...