Testseek.dk har samlet 134 ekspertanmeldelser af O2 Xda Diamond og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 70%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for O2 Xda Diamond.
134 Tester
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse fra eksperter, der har anmeldt dette produkt.
0 Tester
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse af ejere af produktet.
Redaktørerne kunne lide
Prisbilligt alternativ til iPhone
Lille og let
VGAopløsning på skærmen
Nyt og frisk design i PDA klassen
VGA opløsning er vejen frem
Men måske skulle HTC kigge lidt på antallet af farver?
”rulle hjul” er en praktisk detalje
3G med den superhurtig HSDPA (7
2 mbit) hastighed
Indbygget 4 GB huko...
Redaktørerne brød sig ikke om
Langsom software
Dårlig batterilevetid
Ingen GPS software
Batteri kapaciteten er alt for ringe
På fotodelen mangler jeg hjælpe lys samt en beskyttelse af linsen
Ingen mulighed for hukommelse kort
Ingen rigtig kort materiale til at navigere efter under kørsel (fx. TomTom)
Udgivet: 2008-09-10, Forfatter: Vincent , anmeldelse af: slashgear.com
Abstrakt: We met with HTC at CTIA Wireless this morning for a hands-on with their latest Windows Mobile smartphones. Sprint’s Touch Pro and Touch Diamond were on show, while the non-touchscreen S740 made an appearance as well. The Diamond is basically the same d...
Thicker and heavier than the original, TouchFLO 3D is only skin deep
While we havent given it the complete thrashing that we usually subject cell phones to, we have every confidence that the HTC Touch Diamond for Sprint will impress people. It has a slick top-level user interface and is jam-packed with features. We fi...
Abstrakt: When we looked at the GSM HTC Touch Diamond that was released overseas in June 2008, we liked what we saw, with a few caveats. The smartphone featured HTCs new TouchFLO 3D user interface, which could be a tad laggy at times (much improved with subseq...
Abstrakt: Mobile Burn got their hands on Sprint’s soon to be launched HTC Touch Diamond smartphone. Overall they recommend the touchscreen device and noted a few improvements over the original Touch. For instance, Sprint has added a larger battery life, by as ...
Abstrakt: Email us at mossbergsolution@wsj.com. Find this and other columns and videos online free at the All Things Digital Web site: http://walt.allthingsd.com Published on September 3, 2008 Print Sphere Comment Tagged: The Mossberg Solution | permalink
Exceptional 640x480 screen; more responsive than the original Touch, Much better media player and overall TouchFLO interface, Opera Mobile a clear edge over other Windows Mobile phones, Above average battery and call quality in its category, EVDO Rev...
Still a "confused" UI: requires switches between dpad, finger, and stylus input.
If compared in isolation to 2007s Touch, the Touch Diamond would be a resounding success; outside of accessible storage and the questionable directional pad, it represents an upgrade in virtually every category. The Diamond is the first Touch phone, i...
Abstrakt: We have published by now several reviews of various aspects of HTC Touch Diamond (see the list at the end of this story!), but now here we are publishing an overall review of HTC Touch Diamond phone. After long time of using, afer release of the latest...
HTC Touch Diamond makes a revolution in the world of Windows Mobile. Portable and powerful, it’s fully worth of its price. The short battery life and the casing’s vulnerability to dirt and grease are the two and only weak sides, but that doesn...
Abstrakt: Heres one of the most elegant and beautiful WiMo devices available on the market, the HTC Touch Diamond. When it was announced earlier this year I was amazed by the beauty of this little beast, but wondered how nice this PDA phone would actually be. Y...