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Reviews of LG G5 har samlet 627 ekspertanmeldelser af LG G5 og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 81%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for LG G5.
Pris: Good Buy Marts 2016
Marts 2016
627 Tester
0 Tester
81 0 100 627

Redaktørerne kunne lide

  • Flot skærm
  • Hurtig brugerflade
  • Godt kamera
  • Mulighed for tilføjelse af nye funktioner samt udskiftning af batteri via modul-design. Høj ydelse og lynhurtig i daglig brug. To kameralinser
  • Hvoraf én har vidvinkel
  • Mulighed for nye funktioner samt udskiftning af batteri via moduldesign. Høj ydelse. To kameralinser
  • Hvoraf den ene har vidvinkel
  • Lynhurtig opladning
  • Stærkt og sjovt dobbeltkamera
  • Lynhurtig
  • Behageligt design
  • Fedt
  • Velfungerende kamera med to forskellige funktioner
  • God batterilevetid
  • Stabil ydeevne med lynhurtige animationer

Redaktørerne brød sig ikke om

  • Batteriet kunne være bedre
  • Prisen
  • Mangler mere tilbehør til det modulære design
  • For få tilbehørs-produkter
  • Der drager nytte af moduldesign. Lidt kedelig og lyssvag skærm
  • Og mudret lyd. Fås kun med 32 gigabyte indbygget lager og drager ikke nytte af adoptable storage
  • For lidt tilbehør
  • Der udnytter moduldesignet. Lidt kedelig og lyssvag skærm samt mudret lyd. Fås kun med 32 gigabyte indbygget lager
  • Samlekvaliteten bør forbedres
  • LG's moduler er ikke gennemprøvede
  • Gennemsnitteligt batteri og antenne
  • Det modulære design tenderer til at være en gimmick
  • Samlekvaliteten er ikke helt på niveau med Samsung S7 eller HTC 10

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  Udgivet: 2016-05-06, Forfatter: Alex , anmeldelse af:

  • Incredible main camera, Wide-angle camera is a lot of fun, Innovative design,
  • Dim, washed out screen, Modular Friends are niche at best at the moment, Finish prone to wear,

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  Udgivet: 2016-05-05, Forfatter: Alex , anmeldelse af:

  • The LG G5 is a good phone, but it doesn't quite seem like enough to justify over something like the Galaxy S7. The physical design is lacking, the default UI is simplified beyond usefulness, and its main feature – the modules – are optional, added-cost ex...

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  Udgivet: 2016-04-29, Forfatter: Chris , anmeldelse af:

  • How, then, do we wrap up LG's G5?First and foremost, I was worried. I had used the G5 in Barcelona back in February, and loved it on first glance. Then, I had read a number of reviews by overseas reviewers which weren't exactly glowing. I'm not afraid to...

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  Udgivet: 2016-04-21, Forfatter: Chris , anmeldelse af:

  • Abstrakt:  My very first impressions, on seeing the G5 launch in Barcelona, was that LG was onto something here. The phone itself is striking, and yet perhaps understated. It doesn't ooze glitz like Samsung's Galaxy S7 range, and I think that's a good thing — it's m...

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  Udgivet: 2016-04-20, Forfatter: Andrew , anmeldelse af:

  • Abstrakt:  They say you can't have your cake and eat it too, but when it comes to smartphones, we all want more functionality, while expecting the hardware to keep getting thinner. With the G5, LG believes it's found a way to meet those expectations by adding functi...

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  Udgivet: 2016-04-13, Forfatter: By , anmeldelse af:

  • The innovative features are flawed to one degree or another, casting a dark shadow on a phone that otherwise does have a lot of offer...

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  Udgivet: 2016-04-06, Forfatter: Dan , anmeldelse af:

  • No-contract pricing of the G5 will vary depending on carrier. AT&T charges $689; T-Mobile, $630; Verizon, $624 and Sprint, $576. This is roughly what you'd expect to pay for a top-tier phone. Various contract pricings will also be available, depending...

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  Udgivet: 2016-04-05, anmeldelse af:

  • The LG G5's unique modular design lets you swap in fun accessories. It has (two!) great rear cameras, expandable storage and a replaceable battery -- a rarity in high-end phones
  • Although you can swap out some parts, there aren't enough to make this feature compelling. You can only access the phone's app drawer in a specialized theme
  • This is the phone to get if you want a removable battery, but it fails to live up to its world-changing Swiss Army Knife potential...

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  Udgivet: 2016-03-21, anmeldelse af:

  • The LG G5 is a fantastic and unique smartphone. And it's only going to be better once you stick a module in it...

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  Udgivet: 2016-02-23, Forfatter: Dan , anmeldelse af:

  • Three big companies, three flagship phones, three very different target markets and design theories.The Samsung Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 Edge are the most ambitious. The company is both aiming at the general smartphone market as it's evolved and ho...

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