Companies in the mobile industry have been shortening product life cycles more in the last two years than ever before. Blink and you'll probably see a new flagship from Samsung, Huawei, Sony, or another hardware manufacturer launch. But HTC, like Apple an...
Exquisite, if unoriginal, design, Runs smooth as butter, Fast and accurate fingerprint sensor, Sounds great even without stereo speakers
Battery is only just adequate, Camera still lags the competition, Google's Nexuses offer much better value, The ignominy of being an iPhone clone
More times than not, the Verge score is based on the average of the subscores below. However, since this is a non-weighted average, we reserve the right to tweak the overall score if we feel it doesn't reflect our overall assessment and price of the produ...
Abstrakt: “Designed by Apple in California.”That isn't emblazoned anywhere on the HTC's new One A9 smartphone. I checked everywhere, even got out the magnifying glass.I'm only half joking. It's the least the Taiwan-based company could have done after releasing what...
Udgivet: 2015-10-27, Forfatter: Will , anmeldelse af:
Abstrakt: During the early days of Android, HTC phones were often the best of the bunch – and just as recently as two years ago, the smartphone of the year was arguably the terrific HTC One M7 . The company slipped up a bit after that, but can it rebound with the n...
Abstrakt: HTC unveiled today the One A9 , and it's an interesting device. Not because it looks nothing like its siblings in the One series, but because it doesn't really try to compete on specs with the elite of Android. The $400 A9 certainly looks like a flagship...
The HTC One A9 is more than a handset, it is also the manifestation of a new HTC direction which is much more realistic, in a difficult competitive and economic environment.I wish that HTC had made these choices a few years ago, instead of insisting on th...
Udgivet: 2015-10-20, Forfatter: Chris , anmeldelse af:
Attractive, curvy design, Camera supports RAW, Bags of storage, Marshmallow
Tiny battery, no BoomSound, Too expensive
HTC"s One A9 so far seems to be a smart, sleek and surpisingly affordable phone that packs premium features but for a decent price, similar to the Motorola Moto X Style. Check back soon for our full HTC One A9 review.Read next: The best UK deals, price an...
Improved camera, Awesome design, Good Marshmallow mix
Battery life too poor, Some rattling in case, Cost too high
To compare this too much to an iPhone would be unfair to the genuinely impressive power under the hood - but it's curious that HTC has decided on this design path...
Abstrakt: It takes a good eye to spot the differences between the iPhone 6S and the HTC One A9. PHOTO: DREW EVANS/THE WALL STREET JOURNAL“Designed by Apple in California.”That isn't emblazoned anywhere on the HTC's new One A9 smartphone. I checked everywhere, even...