Abstrakt: Okay! This is quite a freaky and colourful game about aliens, however somehow in this strange universe, it has charm and an amazing fun factory. At its alien heart, The Maw is an action arcade game that revolves around an alien called The Maw and whate...
Abstrakt: Often when you combine two great things, the results are far from expected. Two rights doesn’t make a super right. How is it then that a game that combines cuteness and eating is actually worthwhile? Read on to find out.The Maw is a game with more meat...
Pretty good fun when push comes to shove. 7.0/10Print this pageUser reviews (1)Share this pageNoticed something wrong? Report error/mistake.Add to my profile pageGame ScoresGraphics:8.6/10Sound:7.3/10Gameplay:6.1/10Longevity:7.4/10Multiplayer:N/AOveral...
Abstrakt: Ah, the platform game. Once a staple in the diet of any gamer, in recent years its taken a backseat to more popular genres and only occasionally surfaces to remind us of what we’re missing out on. A certain bird and bear duo have graced the 360 not onc...
Simple, yet fun, Excellent overall production value
A bit short
The puzzles in themselves are quite varied in nature, but they still stay simplistic enough to ensure that you dont get too slowed down by their complexities. Once the Maw has the required power-up in the level, its pretty much smooth sailing from th...
Abstrakt: By Oo Gin LeeIN THIS hilarious game, you control Frank, a humanoid-looking alien and his ugly pet monster with no name.It is quite obvious that this pet - a pink blob of an alien with a single eye at the top and a mouth filled with sharp shark-like tee...