Abstrakt: Dead Space-serien har altid formået at balancere på den smalle linje mellem survival horror og overdrevet action-blockbuster med overraskende bravour. Det første spil landede uden de store forventninger, men det stod hurtigt soleklart, at EA havde formået...
Abstrakt: 23. februar 2013 10:56 Kommentarer (7) Jakob TofteFor at undgå spoilers vil vi ikke gå alt for meget i detaljer med historien. Det er dog ingen hemmelighed, at et nyt udbrud af Necromorpher truer menneskets eksistens. Vi træder endnu en gang...
Abstrakt: Dead Space-trilogins sista spel har nått affärerna och Isaac Clarkes öde får sin upplösning. Det har införts vissa förändringar gentemot tidigare spel i serien. Sannie vet om det är på gott eller ont. Isaac Clarke's sista äventyr har nu kommit till sit...
Abstrakt: Hälyttäviä raportteja kehitystaipaleelta. Huhuja EA:n lusikan pakkosyötöstä Visceral Gamesin visiopataan. Kummallisia suunnitteluratkaisuja, joista päällimmäisenä co-opin naittaminen osaksi kauhupeliä. Ristiriitoja.Pelaava yleisö on seurannut kolmannen De...
Udgivet: 2013-03-12, Forfatter: Adam , anmeldelse af: gotgame.com
Dead Space 3 is a solid entry in the series despite the additions. They don't change the core gameplay, and actually add some extra for fans wanting a bit different of an experience than the past two games have offered. If you've never checked out a gam...
Abstrakt: Nintendo released the Wii U a few months ago, Sony just announced the PlayStation 4, and by all accounts the new Xbox will be announced before the E3 Expo in Los Angeles a few months from now. It is amazing how time flies. Can you believe the Xbox 360...
Superb combat action, intense moments, and a killer crafting system. Co-op adds more side missions and cut scenes that are worth playing through.
Poor storyline. Annoying fetch quests
Despite its lack of true survival horror elements and forced, clichéd story line, Dead Space 3 keeps you on your toes and deliver compelling combat and presentation....
It's shifted the focus to action without fully understanding how to make an action game work, resulting in a game that develops slowly from start to finish, and, at least as far as the combat goes, never does anything to surprise you. I was very sceptical...
Udgivet: 2013-02-10, Forfatter: Dead , anmeldelse af: neoseeker.com
Dead Space used to be a horror series. With Dead Space 3 , however, it's transitioned almost completely into the genre of action shooter. Is Dead Space 3 a good game? The answer is an emphatic yes. Visceral Games has successfully created a big-budget coo...