Abstrakt: Jeg elsker spil, som prøver at være anderledes og som forsøger at udforske nye områder. I disse tider, hvor der, måske forståeligt nok, bliver fokuseret på den næste Call of Duty, den næste Need for Speed og den næste Assassins Creed, er det dejligt at...
Abstrakt: Atlus tar ett break från Persona-serien och försöker istället korsa något så japanskt som en datingsimulator med ett pusselspel. Mathias har funnit kärleken (och konstiga drömmar om får) i unika Catherine...
Abstrakt: Det lar seg ikke gjøre å oppsummere kort hva Catherine egentlig er. Det er et underholdende spill med moden og modig tematikk, som bygges over et lag av klassisk spillmekanikk. Spillet er variert og friskt gjennom hele historien, og du blir dratt med ...
Abstrakt: Peliteollisuudessa on helppo tehdä kaupallinen itsemurha. Ne paljon peräänkuulutetut uudet ideat lienevät suurimpia studioiden kaatajia nykyään. Uusia ideoita janotaan ja samalla vierastetaan. Varsinkin pelaajat ovat asian suhteen vähintään jakomielita...
Abstrakt: Catherine is honestly a game unlike any other. While many people are calling this a puzzle game with a gripping story, I would disagree. This is a story game first, a brilliantly woven narrative that uses puzzles to express the main character's inner turm...
Abstrakt: As a 30-something with one foot in adulthood and another permanently fixed in adolescence, traditionally “mature” videogames are starting to seem anything but. Sure there’s a place for the hyper-violence and titillation that characterises most of the a...
Abstrakt: Catherine Review1 2 I've got a doozy for you: Does life begin or end at marriage?That's one of the first of many questions Catherine poses directly to its players, giving the option to choose a simple binary response - yes or no. Well, does it?Marriage...
My advice is to try it before you buy it. There’s a demo on the PSN. If you’re curious about the game, then download and play the demo first. If it piques your curiosity, then maybe this game is for you.You can read more of Jason Grade’s reviews here. ...
Abstrakt: Catherine is more than a game. It’s a psych experiment that will reveal more than you might want to know about your inner self; at least when it comes to relationships and commitments. With that said, you should probably avoid playing this game with yo...