Abstrakt: Years before Final Fantasy VII turned heads on the PlayStation; there was another disc-based role-playing game that was set to take the nation by storm. Ys Book I & II rode a wave of critical praise and hype, instantly becoming the killer-app for the ...
Abstrakt: Adol and Dogi return in Falcom’s Ys Seven which XSEED has brought to the west. The game was released in the land of the Rising Sun back in 2009 and just this summer made its way to North America.Dogi and Adol reach the Capital of Altago in an attempt t...
Abstrakt: I must admit that I have never played a Ys game in the past. While I am racked with guilt that this is my first introduction to the series, I am pleased to inform you that Ys Seven doesn't shame noobs. Very little is lost upon the newcomer as Nihon Fal...
Abstrakt: Woah -- where the heck did this game from? I had heard of the Ys series, but had been successfully ignoring the franchise my entire gaming career. I booted up my PSP with many expectations, but an extremely fast paced action RPG was not one of them. Gr...
Abstrakt: At the risk of tarnishing my integrity, I'd like to go on record and say that it took me a long time to finish Ys Seven. That's not because I had to push myself to drudge through it, or that I took a long break from it to clear my head. Ys is one of th...
Abstrakt: by Steven Hopper, August 27, 2010 The Ys series is one of the longest running series in gaming, but hasn’t received a lot of mainstream love, with much of its storied history coasting under the radar while big-name RPG franchises such as Final Fantasy...
Abstrakt: Ironically, in a sea of fresh material and games to play on the PSP, Ys Seven's simple action-RPG gameplay and 90's linear design is a breath of fresh air from the many attempts at reviving and innovating the aging RPG genre alone -- let alone any othe...
Abstrakt: Given the white-knuckle speed and immediacy of Ys Seven's action, it's strange to think the game requires so much patience. Falcom has burdened Seven with an unfortunate contrast between narrative and play. An..