Testseek.dk har samlet 19 ekspertanmeldelser af Silent Hill: Origins og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 76%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for Silent Hill: Origins.
Januar 2008
19 Tester
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse fra eksperter, der har anmeldt dette produkt.
Abstrakt: del.icio.us | Digg This | Glink It Silent Hill … there’s no town quite like it in America. It’s a township rich with history but sadly said history isn’t good. You see, travelers that find themselves entering the town will find...
Abstrakt: Dear Mr. Grady, We bid you welcome to the quaint lakeside town of Silent Hill. It's a wonderful little town, really. It's safe and quiet, and it boasts several hospitals. The lakeside is pretty, albeit a bit foggy throughout the day. We take great pri...
Abstrakt: Silent Hill Origins is the dark and creepy prequel to the first Silent Hill game. As you’d expect, this game is a survival horror title. As you might not expect, the game works just as well or better as a handheld as it ever did before. You play...
Abstrakt: By now, gamers have become well aware that if any character mentions Silent Hill, theyre in for a world of pain. Full of insanity, skinned monstrosities, alternate dimensions and a freakish cult hellbent on destroying the world, this supposedly sleepy...
Abstrakt: I dread new Silent Hill games as much as I look forward to them. Since its inception on the PlayStation, the series has successfully out-creeped even the most stoic survival-horror fan. So imagine my delight and horror when I was handed Origins, which,...
Abstrakt: VIDEO: Head over to our videos page to check out all Silent Hill: Origins footage!Considering Silent Hill 0rigins' troubled on-again/off-again development process, the final product has certainly turned out better than most Silent Hill fans expected. W...
Impressive graphics; immersive gameplay will creep the hell out of you
Occasional wonky camera, character models could be a bit more detailed The Final Word Its another solid title in the series and acts as a great preface to the story of later titles. Just be sure to play it with the lights on.
Its another solid title in the series and acts as a great preface to the story of later titles. Just be sure to play it with the lights on.
Udgivet: 2007-11-23, Forfatter: Simon , anmeldelse af: pocketgamer.co.uk
Abstrakt: Some of the most frightening moments in horror owe their debt to little things.Take the diminutive girl stuck down the well in The Ring, for example. Or that boy imprisoned in the hotel with Jack Nicholson in The Shining. Or, of course, that bat-shit c...