Testseek.dk har samlet 42 ekspertanmeldelser af Resistance: Retribution og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 81%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for Resistance: Retribution.
Marts 2009
42 Tester
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse fra eksperter, der har anmeldt dette produkt.
0 Tester
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At platformen omsider er ved at skabe sig et nævneværdigt spilkartotek. Det er fedt med en ny tilgang til Resistance-universet
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Abstrakt: Erinomaisista Syphon Filter peleistään tunnettu Sony Bend on kuitenkin päättänyt yrittää voittaa esteet, joita tämän genren pelit ovat yleensä kohdanneet kannettavilla laitteilla. PSP-pelaajien onneksi he onnistuvat siinä kiitettävän hyvin. Lopputulos ...
Abstrakt: Resistance: Retribution has been getting a lot of love for taking all the features of a console game and transporting it to the handheld realm of the PSP. The fellows at Sony Bend have done a great job indeed of cramming a huge amount of content into ...
Abstrakt: Resistance: Retribution definitely ranks high in the annals of the Insomniac series and adds an amazing story line to an existing history that began in Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 Game Console titles, but can stand alone as a PSP video game for gamers ...
Abstrakt: The Resistance franchise was born with the launch of the PS3 back in November of 2006. It was supposed to be Sony’s answer to Microsoft’s Halo franchise and with veteran developers, Insomniac behind the scenes it turned out to be a surprisingly good F...
Abstrakt: An intense and epic third-person shooter that is undoubtedly a Game of the Year candidate. In my March 2009 preview of the game, I mentioned how floored I was by the Resistance Retribution demo. Since I had never played the PS3 games in the series, Re...
Abstrakt: Name: Resistance: Retribution Genre: Third-Person Shooter Platform: PlayStation Portable At many times it feels like the PSP is a dying platform. New releases, for the most part, are few and far between, and while there are a few must-owns on the platf...
Abstrakt: Visually speaking, I had some low expectations for Resistance: Retribution given that the original Resistance: Fall of Man and Resistance 2 were both released on Sony’s uber-console, the PS3. Well after playing through the various levels that are offer...
Gameplay adapts better to PSP than many other shooters; presentation and art motif evokes Resistance: Fall of Man.
Hokey dialogue and awful voice acting; serviceable but forgettable multiplayer; occasionally sparse checkpoints.
"When in doubt, just blow shit up." - James GraysonResistance: Retribution is a game that sounds great on paper, marrying Insomniacs great shooter series with developer Sony Bend, whose resume includes the excellent Siphon Filter series of PSP revival...