Abstrakt: AU REVIEW--The first LocoRoco was like an injection of sugar syrup directly to the brain, and its cute design and catchy soundtrack made it a tough game to dislike even if you found faults with its unique but ultimately repetitive gameplay. LocoRoco 2 ...
Abstrakt: How on earth do you describe LocoRoco 2? I mean you can start with telling people that it's a kind of 2D platform game where you tilt the world itself left and right rather than directly controlling a character. You could go on to mention how the aim o...
Abstrakt: The sequel to the PSP's smash hit Loco Roco, the PSN title Loco Roco Cocoreccho returns us to the sickeningly sweet and diabetes-inducing world of these Loco Rocos. The original title had you flinging these blob-like beings throughout the stage as yo...
LocoRoco 2’s fantastic level designs, addicting mini-games and gameplay left a smile on my face a mile long. The fact that it’s budget priced is another reason to smile. ...
Abstrakt: Some PSP owners might grumble that LocoRoco 2 is overly similar to its delightfully quirky predecessor, but once you start playing, it is almost impossible to wipe the smile off your face. With its gorgeous visuals, delightful music and seemingly endl...
Cute as ever, LocoRocos have some neat new abilities, Great level design, Lots to collect in all levels
Easy boss fights
Still hands-down the cutest franchise on the PSP, LocoRoco 2 adds enough new ideas to its already unique gameplay to make it a great improvement on the original... ...
Abstrakt: Tony George8.9LocoRoco was easily one of the most original and entertaining games of the year and thankfully Sony Computer Entertainment have revisited the franchise again in LocoRoco 2. The essence of this game is the pure simplicity of the title whi...
Abstrakt: Any sequel to a game like that will have a hard task matching high expectations and providing something new for players. But LocoRoco 2 delivers - and more. The concept is simple. You control a little blob, exploring levels to collect other blobs to m...