Abstrakt: Kender du det? Du er på vej videre til fagligt samtalemøde efter et glas vin på Café Victor. Du snupper lige Information med under armen, da Christian Jensens leder ikke er noget, du vil gå glip af. Din Android-telefon leverer pludselig Mozarts Rondo A...
Abstrakt: Lil och Laarg är fångade av den onda Bakuki. Din uppgift är att få ut dem levande ur den livsfarliga fabriken där varje rum är ett problem som måste lösas med pekskärmen....
Abstrakt: Escape Plan er eit artig lite spel, med eit like artig konsept. Diverre er det ikkje så artig at du ikkje merkar den temmeleg store mangelen på inspirasjon bak dei mange utfordringane du endar opp med å stå ovanfor. Som eit enkelt puzzlespel der alt h...
Udgivet: 2014-01-15, Forfatter: Sam , anmeldelse af: Gamingnexus.com
Escape Plan has come to the PlayStation 4, but it fails to make the transition cleanly. The puzzles are dull and the controls are ill fitted to the new system. I wouldn't recommend playing Escape Plan, but if you absolutely must make sure it's the Vita ve...
Abstrakt: Escape Plan Review1 2 Is it damning praise to say I prefer Escape Plan as a showcase of the Vita's multiple input-doohickies and screeny-wotsits than Little Deviants? Yes, of course it is - because Little Deviants is chuffing rubbish. Escape Plan has p...
Abstrakt: One of the quirkier titles in the PlayStation Vita's launch lineup, Escape Plan brings a unique take on touch-based puzzle-solving. In it, you take on the roles of two loveable creatures, Lil and Laarg, who are attempting to escape from a factory run b...
Abstrakt: Look at a screenshot, and you might not know if Escape Plan is a puzzle game or a platformer. That's OK; the game hasn't really decided either. At times, it's a puzzle game, asking you to think your way to the other side of the room, but mostly it's a ...
These sorts of problems don't ruin the game, but they do diminish it slightly. For an adventure absolutely beaming with personality and potential, the gameplay experience wasn't quite as fine as I would have liked, but it doesn't make Escape Plan anyth...
Abstrakt: Escape Plan has easily been the most intriguing PlayStation Vita launch title on the plate. An all-original property with a deliciously unusual art style, this touch-based puzzle game has long looked like a fantastic way of showcasing the Vita's mult...