Abstrakt: Music games have jumped quickly from the obscure to the mainstream, thanks mostly to Guitar Hero. There is no denying that when the first GH came out and everyone became addicted, the thoughts of, "Wouldn't be great if they made a game where you can pl...
As party games go, this one tops the charts, Included hardware is a lot of fun to play with, Band world tour mode is severely addictive, Fantastic presentation, This game will probably make you a better drummer.
170 price is a lot of money, Band world tour cant be played online, Some hardware reliability concerns.
Rock Band does a superb job of bringing out the wannabe rock star in all of us, and creates one of the best party-game experiences of all time. ...
Abstrakt: Metallica, The Ramones, The Rolling Stones -- these are some of the legendary bands in rock. And now, thanks to Harmonixs Rock Band, you and your friends can join the legendary pantheon of rock gods. The latest game from Harmonix ups the ante on other...
Abstrakt: Metallica, The Ramones, The Rolling Stones -- these are some of the legendary bands in rock. And now, thanks to Harmonixs Rock Band, you and your friends can join the legendary pantheon of rock gods. The latest game from Harmonix ups the ante on other...
Well designed Band Tour structure that encourages co-operation and rewards determination. Excellent Overdrive aspect that allows players to stay in the game. Awesome track list. Crazy rock finishing moves and a solid emphasis on fun. Did we mention its ch...
Drums are noisy. Fender guitar a bit clunky. Everyone is rated by the lowest difficulty. The more advanced guitar players will find it too easy. Its arrived a year behind the US.
Abstrakt: Yeah, we know it came out a while ago, but with the UK release of the PS2 and Wii versions looming ever closer, we think it’s about time we had a little chat about Rock Band.For those not in the know – like, if you’ve been living underground for the la...
You know there are improvements to be made and there are some niggles, but as it stands, Rock Band is the most crucial rhythm-action game since the original Guitar Hero, and a damn sight better to boot. Absolutely superb. 9.2/10Print this pageUser revi...