Abstrakt: id Software popularized the first-person shooter genre with their breakout game Wolfenstein 3D back in 1992. Since then, id has spent the last two decades pushing the envelope and giving us one incredible game after another, including the Quake and Doo...
Abstrakt: Well, this one crept up on us a bit eh? What with the likes of Skyrim, Dark Souls and Arkham City threatening to turn us into beasts of the night this Autumn, not to mention the showdown between Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3 that is shaping up to ...
Abstrakt: Rage starts to wear out its welcome about 3 to 4 hours in. That's the point where it started to feel like the promise of an open world shooter was more of an illusion than reality. Sure, you can drive around the Wastelands of Rage with little restricti...
Abstrakt: Imagine being buried underground in a cryogenic chamber to wait out an impending disaster. Unfortunately an asteroid the size of a large city is hurling towards Earth, and only a few members of the human race were handpicked to wait it out in these cha...
Rage proves a lot of what we already knew about id Software. The studio knows how to make great shooters and deliver incredible visuals and animations. With some of the elements we’re not as familiar with in id games like an emphasis on story, Rage isn...
Abstrakt: Advertisement: Story continues below id Software, the creator of seminal gaming series including Doom and Quake, are back after seven years with a fresh twist on the corridor-shooter genre the developer is famed for pioneering. Rage takes place in...
Gorgeous texture detail; wellacted and animated NPCs; impressive arsenal of customisable weaponry
Intricately animated and acted characters are let down by the lacking story they sit in; driving minigames are fun but the vehicle physics feel tacked on
Gorgeous texture detail; well-acted and animated NPCs; impressive arsenal of customisable weaponry
Intricately animated and acted characters are let down by the lacking story they sit in; driving mini-games are fun but the vehicle physics feel tacked on