Abstrakt: The best local multiplayer gaming experience so far this year, Portal 2 is an affable and humorous puzzle-based game that encourages co-operation, communication and some deft collaboration as you variously breeze, struggle and blunder your way through...
Abstrakt: IN 2007, the quirky and unforgettable puzzle-based masterpiece Portal packed so many clever ideas into its mere three-hour duration that readers of Fairfax's Screen Play blog recently . A sequel to such a sublime experience seemed an impossible task ...
Abstrakt: One of the most original and anticipated games returns on the Mac, PC, PlayStation 3 and XBox 360 with Portal 2 finally landing on our shelves. Originally based on the Half-life engine, this game featured some of the most innovative gameplay in years ...
Abstrakt: We love a good sequel. All too often the end product disappoints, but having polished off the original Portal feeling hungry for more – and knowing what Valve are capable of - a sequel of any description sounded extremely promising. The mere prospect o...
Visually and audibly awesome; clever use of tools for puzzling; great story and characters; co-op rocks; price fits package; doesn´t talk down to players
A bit short; no great leaps on from the original; not a lot of replay; massively hyped and suffers for it
Abstrakt: Published April 22nd 2011. Written by Owen Grieve. Four years after exploding into the public eye with a sensational debut EP, synthetic singer-songwriter GLaDOS has finally taken on the challenge of the difficult second album. Her song ‘Still Alive’ b...
Abstrakt: You always know where you stand with Valve — well, most of the time. Granted, Portal’s developer lied about rewarding us with cake for completing its puzzle-platformer, but with the likes of Left 4 Dead and the genre-defining Half-Life series already ...
There’s a lot of great stuff to come in 2011, but we’re confident that by the end of it Portal 2 will still be one of the forerunners for game of the year. No fruity descriptions, no fancy words: just buy it. 9.5/10Print this pageComments (1)Share this...
Portal 2 hat einen genialen Humor, ein gelungenes (und bewährtes)Spielprinzip, eine Grafik die in Ordnung geht und eine stimmigeAtmosphäre. Der Physikshooter hat zwar nur eine kurze Story - dafür aber einen guten Mehrspieler-Part.Hier wartet eine neue ...
Soundkulisse, nette Charaktere, schöne Rätsel, toller Humor, schöner Koop Modus, Koop Modus mit eigenen Leveln, stetig steigender Schwierigkeitsgrad, lange Kampagnendauer
leblose Umgebungen, keine Hilfestellungen, nicht wirklich ein Multiplayermodus