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Reviews of Need for Speed: Most Wanted har samlet 21 ekspertanmeldelser af Need for Speed: Most Wanted og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 81%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for Need for Speed: Most Wanted.
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  Udgivet: 2012-10-30, anmeldelse af:

  • Terrific handling makes driving a pleasure, Police chases are usually intense and enjoyable, Billboards make for satisfying asynchronous competition, Online multiplayer races are fast and exciting, Beautiful and varied city.
  • In slower cars, police chases can be a frustrating ordeal, Repetitive police chatter, Lacks any sense of narrative motivation, Building up a car collection is unfulfilling, Inconsistent, sometimes dull online challenges
  • It's not quite the smooth, finely tuned speed machine it could have been, but Need for Speed: Most Wanted is still an exciting racer....

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  Udgivet: 2012-11-13, anmeldelse af:

  • Deep multiplayer harkening back to Burnout Paradise. Wonderful looking environments and car models on the PC. Real world cars.
  • ole ports not as pretty as they should be. Police are incredibly frustrating.

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  Udgivet: 2012-11-13, anmeldelse af:

  • Deep multiplayer harkening back to Burnout Paradise. Wonderful looking environments and car models on the PC. Real world cars.
  • ole ports not as pretty as they should be. Police are incredibly frustrating.

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  Udgivet: 2012-11-08, anmeldelse af:

  • Abstrakt:  If you lived in Fairhaven City, chances are you would be dead. In this fictional city, just walking down to the corner diary is a risky activity. This is a place where drivers get rewarded for careening into billboards, people are trying to break land-...

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  Udgivet: 2012-11-04, anmeldelse af:

  • Abstrakt:  These vary from street races against other nitrous-loving cop-botherers to checkpoint races against the clock. These are interspersed with one-on-one Most Wanted races that see you taking on other drivers to move up the ranks as the best driver in Fairhav...

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  Udgivet: 2012-12-03, Forfatter: Laique , anmeldelse af:

  • Ditching the cops is fun, Big, beautiful and open city to explore, Exciting multiplayer mode, Terrific handling of the cars make driving a pleasure, Excellent graphics, All cars are accessible from the beginning
  • With slower cars, police chases become frustrating, Game lacks any narrative motivation, Online challenges seem dull sometime, Short single player campaigns
  • Touted as the re-imagining of the original NFS: MW (2005); the latest in the series has some slip-ups. But still the game manages to deliver fast and furious kind of races just like Criterion's classic Burnout Paradise. If you have played the earlier vers...

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  Udgivet: 2013-02-05, anmeldelse af:

  • Die Neuedition von Need For Speed: Most Wanted bietet wieder rasend schnelle Arcade-Action vom Feinsten. Es gibt zwar den einen oder anderen Kritikpunkt, doch der chaotische Multiplayer-Modus macht das alles wieder wett.Jochen SchmittTestredaktion Player...

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  Udgivet: 2012-11-21, anmeldelse af:

  • ist gnadenlos auf Online-Multiplayer-Action und -Fun gebürstet. Dabei kommt bei mir zwar unheimlich schnell Spaß auf, der aber auch genauso schnell wieder verschwindet. Der hier entstandene Tummelplatz verrückter Rennspieltypen (vorwiegend pubertieren...

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  Udgivet: 2013-06-04, anmeldelse af:

  • Need for Speed Most Wanted ist nicht wirklich ein schlechtes Spiel. Man kann ihm den Spaß nicht absprechen. Die größte Frage jedoch bleibt: warum zur Hölle musste der Name des meiner Meinung nach besten Teils der Reihe für dieses Spiel herhalten, wo e...

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  Udgivet: 2012-11-19, Forfatter: Phoenix , anmeldelse af:

  • Сразу отмечу две неприятные особенности, всплывшие при тестировании игры. Первая - это заблокированный на значении 60 счетчик FPS. Однако Need for Speed: MW оказалась достаточно тяжелой в графическом плане для того, чтобы даже в разрешении 1280х1024 пол...

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