Abstrakt: “It’s not next gen until we say so” you hear Sony bellow, and after a few solid hours playing Motorstorm you would almost believe them. The game is a joy to behold. It looks beautiful and it is spectacular to play. After the first lap of the first race...
Abstrakt: The stage is set – there are no traffic lights to stop you, no traffic to get in your way, no roads to define your path, nothing… nothing at all; it’s just you, your competition, the dust, and the craggy, arid landscape of Monument Vall...
von Jan Fratzer Offroad-Racer waren noch nie wirklich mein Lieblingsgenre. Motorstorm hat es aber geschafft, mir die matschige Raserei mehr als schmackhaft zu machen. Die Grafik ist ein Augenschmaus, das Geschwindigkeits- und Fahrgefühl großartig, di...