Testseek.dk har samlet 79 ekspertanmeldelser af LittleBigPlanet 2 og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 90%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for LittleBigPlanet 2.
Januar 2011
79 Tester
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse fra eksperter, der har anmeldt dette produkt.
0 Tester
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse af ejere af produktet.
Redaktørerne kunne lide
Over at Media Molecule potentielt set giver dig værktøjskassen til "det" spil
Du har brug for
For at lave ikke alt - men en hulens masse - udover en lækker single/multiplayer-del på spilskiven. Og jubler over lydsiden som Stephen Fry alene løfter 1-1½ karakter.
Over at Media Molecule endnu engang har lavet et spil
Som bliver sjovere jo flere spillere
Og hvor der er et dedikeret community
Som bliver ved med at spytte nye baner ud i overraskende høj kvalitet.
Redaktørerne brød sig ikke om
Når jeg opdager
At jeg ikke besidder nok tålmodighed til at sammensætte egne levels
Og jeg indser
At der er 14 dage til alle andre får spillet
Og de begynder at smide nye ting ud og dele med os alle.
Over match-making
Som ikke fungerer optimalt og laaaaaaaange loadetider.Anmelder
Henrik JacobsenVenligst udlånt af
NFI / SCEEUdvikler
Media MoleculeUde
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Abstrakt: The wind has really been taken out of the sails of the ‘console exclusive’ videogame and, for the most part, the best, so-called ‘AAA’ games are available whether you own a PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 or Nintendo Wii. Little Big Planet 2, then, is a r...
Abstrakt: The original Little Big Planet title for the PlayStation 3 was a true arcade revolution. Not only did it create an interesting and surreal arcade experience that merged both 2D and 3D successfully together but it also allowed the player to create their...
Abstrakt: With over three million user-generated games since its release, has shown a remarkable level of creativity from its fan base, raising the bar to new heights for user-made content. Its sequel, gives you even more tools to innovate, captivate and cr...
Infectious and inimitable charm, beautiful and diverse level designs, loads of new power-ups, incredible collection of creation tools, rich community features, tonnes of collectibles
Not much of a challenge, grappling hook feels unwieldy for a while, some dull side levels, can't rewind or fast forward tutorials (only pause or restart from scratch), no keyboard or mouse support for creation mode at launch
Sackboy's triumphant return packs the same engrossing brand of innovation and ingenuity that made its pioneering predecessor our Game of the Year for 2008. An expanded scale and a whole new treasure chest of tools and toys to conceptualise and create with...
Greatly expanded suite of creation tools. Backwards compatible with user-generated content from the original game, all of which has been given a graphical update.
Backwards compatibility means the "floaty" controls return. We'll have to wait for the creativity of the community to truly shine.
Abstrakt: What do a red fez, leafy angel wings and a Fu Manchu moustache all have in common? They, along with a Sackboy’s quirky sensibilities, kept me giggling for hours. Ever since 2008’s smash hit release, pundits have been waiting for a new little brother to...
Abstrakt: Published February 21st 2011. Written by Matt Kline. While this will admittedly come across as rampant hyperbole, LittleBigPlanet 2 could well be the finest platformer available for the PS3; a game of such breadth, charm, invention and delight it surpa...
Level editor very extensive and simple to access, 4player mode, Original and varied decors, New interesting objects and minigames, Physics engine gives good credibility
Handling of Sackboys still a bit delicate, You need to create levels to fully enjoy the game, It takes a lot of time to create a good level
While the first episode had plenty of options for creating your own levels, LittleBigPlanet 2 goes further and opens the door to a whole new universe of possibilities. You can now create veritable mini-games within the game, while the story mode is eve...
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Udgivet: 2011-02-07, Forfatter: Ben , anmeldelse af: avforums.com
Abstrakt: What was LittleBigPlanet? A 2D platformer? An ambitious level creator? Both, of course, although the emphasis was most certainly on the latter. It was a risky route to take and it certainly wasn't implemented flawlessly, but developer Media Molecule shuff...