Testseek.dk har samlet 62 ekspertanmeldelser af LittleBigPlanet og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 94%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for LittleBigPlanet.
Oktober 2008
62 Tester
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse fra eksperter, der har anmeldt dette produkt.
0 Tester
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Abstrakt: If there is one sign you could use to accurately pinpoint a great game, it would have to be its proficiency at relentlessly retaining your attention throughout the course of the adventure at hand. Any game that can rise to that task, and achieve this u...
Abstrakt: Following on from seeing Little Big Planet at the Stuff show we thought it’s about time we spent some hours playing the Sony PS3 game. With no real expectations other than it’s meant to be a really good game, we gave it a go.Our first impressions of Li...
LittleBigPlanet is certainly more difficult to master than we first imagined, but it pays off on its promise and then some. Media Molecule has created a game that deserves to take the world by storm, and this really is just the beginning. 9.6/10Print t...
Uses a brilliant art style, Innovative, imaginative and charming all at the same time, Detailed level editor, User created content increase re-playability tremendously, Sackpeople are terribly cute
Erratic difficulty level, Controls arent tight
Luckily for us in LBP you’re not limited to the levels bundled with the game. Just like EA’s Spore, players can create and share levels using the game’s Level editor via the PlayStation Network. While platforming all over the place in th...
Abstrakt: UNLIKE most people, I did not take to Sackboy, the plush-toy avatar you control in this platforming game, immediately.Sure, the little guy is charming, with his cute button eyes, wide jubilant smile and an oversized zipper for a tie. However, in my boo...
Neue Level, OnlineFunktionen, LevelEditor, hoher Kreativitätsanteil
Kein CoOpModus, Weniger Details, Gemessen an dem PS3Titel zu kurze Spielzeit
Wenn ihr noch auf der Suche nach einem guten Weihnachtsgeschenk für einen Freund mitsamt PSP seid, dann sollte Little Big Planet durchaus in die engere Wahl gelangen. Nach anfänglicher Skepsis konnte Sackboy auch mobil mein Herz erweichen und mich samt...
Abstrakt: Little Big Planet ist einer der größten Hoffnungsträger für Sonys diesjähriges Playstation-3-Weihnachtsgeschäft. Wir hatten die Gelegenheit, den Titel in einer späten Beta-Fassung ausführlich zu testen und sagen Ihnen, ob sich das Warten auf das ungew...