Testseek.dk har samlet 52 ekspertanmeldelser af Grand Theft Auto 5 og den gennemsnitlige bedømmelse er 92%. Rul ned og se alle anmeldelser for Grand Theft Auto 5.
Oktober 2013
52 Tester
Gennemsnitlig bedømmelse fra eksperter, der har anmeldt dette produkt.
Abstrakt: CommentIt’s remarkably easy to attach oneself to the so-called hype train that surrounds any major franchise release. More so if it’s a title that isn’t plagued by yearly updates, short development cycles, or minor updates between releases. It’s also v...
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Udgivet: 2013-09-27, Forfatter: Michael , anmeldelse af: geardiary.com
incredibly high replay value, three-character story structure, deeper missions/scenarios, unpredictability, vehicle handling, open world environments, add-on content, realistic interactions, surprising discoveries, heist process, music soundtrack, improve
tired misogynistic elements, occasionally confusing character action, noticeable car saving glitch
Udgivet: 2013-09-26, Forfatter: Will , anmeldelse af: newatlas.com
We could go on and on about GTA V, but half the fun is in discovering it for yourself. The amount of detail in this sprawling virtual Southland is breathtaking. It's enough to keep you entertained for months.Grand Theft Auto V is an amazing game, a monume...
Abstrakt: Grand Theft Auto prides itself on being an open world sandbox where you're free to do whatever you want, whenever you want. Want to steal a car and go on a joyride? You can do that. Want to play tennis? You can do that too. Want to get a lapdance from two...
Abstrakt: Grand Theft Auto V is finally here. A lot has been promised about the latest entry in the Rockstar mega franchise. So much so, in fact, that many people feel that there is no way it’ll be able to deliver. The scope is too big--something has to be overl...
Abstrakt: Having reconquered Liberty City in GTA IV since their first foray into third-person action with GTA III, Rockstar now takes us back to Los Santos. Gone are the early nineties of Carl ‘CJ’ Johnson, although you can’t help but feel a new kinship with him...
Innovative threeprotagonist structure leads to loads of amazing moments, Outstanding, multilayered heists and other missions, Huge, gorgeous, varied open world packed with things to see and do, Trevor is an unforgettable character, Great vehicle handling
Politically muddled and profoundly misogynistic, Character behavior is sometimes inconsistent
Udgivet: 2015-01-12, Forfatter: Carlos , anmeldelse af: targetpc.com
Hours upon hours of content, there is really no reason to stop playing unless you need a bathroom break
I would occasionally get a glitch where the game would start off to a new game, but you can quickly load the previous save file you had
Grand Theft Auto is one of those games where you must experiment no matter what, even though the violence producing, the sexualize themes it produces, it's still delivers one great story, gameplay that is simply incomparable and the sheer content that thi...
Pulling off a heist, Planes are back!, So many easter eggs to discover, Trevor outside of being rotten to the core, he's just so likeable
Difficulty feels dumbed down, Checkpoints killing dialogue, iFruit app is broken more often than not
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Udgivet: 2013-10-15, Forfatter: Matt , anmeldelse af: itproportal.com
Gorgeous graphics, Engaging storyline, Superb music, Open, world mayhem, Just great fun to play
iFruit app not available on Android yet
Every bit of GTA V is an improvement over earlier games. Sights, sounds, animations, voiceovers, radio stations, sun rises, sunsets – anything you can think of – are well conceived and executed. I stole a yacht and as I was riding off into the sunset I w...